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"Running through the parking lot."

Days, weeks, months, maybe even years. Time was almost nonexistent for Changbin, as he spent a majority of his time sobbing in the darkness of what he assumed was Felix's basement.

Apparently he had gained enough trust that they stopped shackling him by the ankle to the floor. The only memory of it was the bruise on his ankle and a small hoop in the middle of the floor.

The basement had no windows, so the only time he could tell what time it is was when Felix would come down with his food.

Other than that, nothing much happened. Felix had no police interactions, Felix's parents seemed to think their son keeping another boy in the basement was entirely normal.

Felix's mom was pretty nice though, she made Changbin cookies after one of his worse crying days.

Felix's dad would bring him some books from his study so that Changbin would be entertained too.

Felix only came down later in the day, most likely coming back from school, he'd force Changbin into cuddle sessions, but otherwise, he did nothing.

"You know, no one is looking for you."

Changbin faced the wall in silence as Felix rubbed his side gently.

"They gave up. Even your friend, Jeongin was it? He doesn't even care about you anymore. I mean, you are the one that got him into the hospital."

A silent tear slipped from Changbin's eye.

"You almost killed him."

Changbin let out a shaky breath.
"That's not true. Y-you... You're lying..."

"It was all your fault."

"Nobody loves you except me. I'm all you need. And you... You are all that I need. And now that I have you... I'm never letting you go."


Two police officers stood in the hospital room, stern looks on their faces as the stood around the unconscious boy on the hospital bed.

"I doubt we'll get any info from a kid in a coma Officer Park." The officer with the light silver hair said.

"Was anything found on the neighbor's cameras?" Officer Park asked.

The silver haired officer, Officer Tuan, shook his head.
"We're still looking, they have yet to get back to me about it."

The two officers started walking down the white hallways of the hospital, exiting and getting into a single car.

Just in time, Officer Tuan's phone rang.


"Get back to the office, we got something on the camera."

Officer Tuan shared a glance at Officer Park before driving off.


The three officers watched on the big screen as the video replayed the event that happened only a week ago.

First, at around 9 PM a panicked figure of a boy came sprinting up to Jeongin's house, Officer Park told them to stop the video and zoom in on the kids face.

"Seo Changbin, Officer Kim Yugyeom talked to him a few months ago, someone left the kid a pretty disturbing present on his desk. We're assuming it's the same one that's got him now." The third officer, Officer Choi, said.

Tuan and Park both hummed, motioning for the video to continue.

The video was pretty quiet from that point on, the officers speed up the video.


The officers leaned in closer to the screen, but this time only because a black car pulled up on the side of the road in front of the house, a figure dressed all in black stepped out of the car, a red container held tightly in his hand, in the other hand, he held a knife.

"This angle is shit, I can't get a good look at the face." Officer Choi explained, a pout on his face.

The officers watched as the figure in black walked around the house, hidden in the darkness.

With the sound on high, the officers listened as the figure kicked the door open.


Not even ten minutes passed until the black figure was yanking Changbin out of the house, Changbin was struggling harshly in the dark figures arms as the figure pulled out a lighter and lit the grass. Quickly the fire reached the house, spreading everywhere.

Jeongin hadn't come out, the dark figure pulled Changbin over to his car and shoved him in the back seat.

As the car started to drive away, Officer Choi paused the video, the car's license plate in clear view.

"Well, let's find us a car."



Hello, sorry it took so long. I've been struggling with suicidal thoughts, but I'm better! I'm feeling much better!! I really miss writing, so I hope I don't have to take another long break anytime soon😂.

Hope you enjoyed!!


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