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"Eenie meenie miny mo, your mother said to pick the very best girl

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"Eenie meenie miny mo, your mother said to pick the very best girl."


Changbin sat up with a gasp, immediately being faced with a pitch black room. From what Changbin could feel underneath him, he was on a bed.

Moving to get out of the bed a soft jingle sound came when he moved his right foot, a heavy weight weighing it down a little.

The sound of keys jingling woke Changbin from his thoughts, backing up as far away from the noise as possible.

The room flooded with light as the door opened, revealing a woman.

Her hair was short, a shade of dirty blonde. Her cheeks were filled with small freckles, perfectly clashing with her tan skin. As she got closer Changbin noticed she was carrying a tray of food.

The woman flashed him a soft smile, and Changbin could see a hint of pity in her eyes.
"Hello, I hope you slept well."

The woman set the tray of food down on the bedside table.
"Felix has told us so much about you, though, your a lot cuter in person then you are in the photos."

What photos?

The woman kept talking, and Changbin can admit, her voice is nice, a relaxing sound that almost makes Changbin forget that he was literally just kidnapped and that he doesn't even know if his friend is alive or not.

The door opened again and Changbin glared darkly, Felix flashed the older an almost blinding smile.

"I sent you in here to drop of his breakfast, not talk his ear off Ma."
Felix rolled his eyes, a grin on his face as he plopped himself right down next to Changbin.

Changbin tried to move away from the younger, but was quickly caught by his waist and pulled into Felix's arms.

"You can go now Ma, I wanna talk with Binnie alone for a while."
Felix said, eyes sparkling.

The woman, who could now be identified as Felix's mother smiled, standing up and making her way to the door.
"Don't have too much fun."

Felix's face grew hot as his mom left the room with a wink.

"Changbin. I hope you know that that stunt you pulled was absolutely unacceptable."
Changbin tensed as Felix's voice seemed to change almost instantly, the grip on his waist getting tighter.

"I-Im sorry! It- it won't happen again! I promise."
Changbin rushed, wincing at the dark glare he received from the younger.

Felix asked, the air immediately changed again as Felix pulled out his shiniest puppy dog eyes.

Changbin felt tears burn in his eyes.

Felix yanked Changbin into a proper hug, his smile so wide it almost hurt Changbin to look at.

Changbin finally let a single tear fall.



Lol I totally forgot to write a chapter so I literally write this in like 10 minutes so sorry if I messed this up, I didn't proof read either lol.

Hope you enjoyed.



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