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(announcement at the end of the chapter, please read.)


"I love it when I hear you breathing,"

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"I love it when I hear you breathing,"


Changbin's body felt heavy as he lifts his arm up to rub at his eyes, his senses coming back slowly.

Glancing around and taking in as much as he could with his blurry eyes, changbin felt panic flood his body realizing he wasn't in his room.

Changbin heard a small chuckle at the end of the bed, jumping, changbin turned his head to the noise far too fast, leading to a dull thumping in his temples.

Changbin froze as he made direct eye contact with two dark eyes, just staring, un moving.
The two stared at eachother for what felt like hours in silence, changbin starting to shuffle uncomfortably at the dark glare of the other male.

"who-who are you?"
Changbin asked in a whisper, whimpering quietly when the other male moved closer, crawling across the bed slowly. Changbin crawled back until his back laid flat against the wall behind him.

Changbin flinched as the male lifted his hand, closing his eyes tight, waiting for something, anything.
Anything except the hand to run through his hair softly.

Changbin opened his eyes slowly, meeting eye contact with his kidnapper, Felix carded his fingers through the soft curls, a small smile gracing his face.

"Are you hungry? I made you food. You've been out for quite a while..."
Felix giggled, confusion growing on changbin's face.

Felix dragged the shorter off of the bed by his wrist, making changbin dizzy with the sudden movement.
Felix leads changbin down many flights of stairs, before shoving the older into a chair, felix moved around for a moment before walking over to changbin and handcuffing his left wrist to his chair.

"can't risk you getting away from me so soon, can I?"
Felix asked softly from behind changbin, running his hands through the older's hair again.

Felix left the room, returning not long after with plates full of food.
Felix set the food in front of changbin before setting the other plate on the other side of the table, taking his own seat.

Felix started at his food, but froze when he noticed changbin not moving a muscle.

"C'mon binnie, eat up before it gets cold."
Changbin snapped his head up to look at felix.

"I wanna go home..."
Changbin whispers.

Felix ignores it.

Changbin shakes his head.
"No! I want to go home."

Changbin starts to pull harshly at the cuff on his wrist, causing pain to shoot through his hand as he pulled at the metal.

"Goddammit Changbin. I said. Eat!"
Felix shot up from his chair and stormed around the table, gripping at Changbin's jaw and opening his mouth.

Grabbing changbin's fork, he shoved the food into changbin's mouth, making him chew it.

Felix sighed, caressing changbin's cheek softly as a single tear escaped, running down changbin's face.
"It didn't have to come to that. That was your fault."

The two eat in complete silence after that, neither one of them wanting to make a sound.
Afterwards, felix leads changbin back up to the room he was in earlier.

Changbin eyed the door quietly, taking in the light purple paint.

Felix pulled the shorter into the room gently, sitting him down on the bed before walking over to the door, getting ready to leave.

"this door stays locked. Same with the window. Not like you'd be able to get out of it anyway."
With that, felix left the room, changbin flinching at the soft clicking of the doors lock.

"Holy cow, this can not be happening..."
Changbin whispers to himself.


Hey nerds, just wanted to inform y'all that this book will be going minor editing, probably won't take long, but I just want to inform you that some small thing will be changing, nothing drastic tho.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I will see you, in the next update!


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