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"Rolling down your tinted window

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"Rolling down your tinted window.  Driving next to me, real slow"


Dear future husband,

         I know you don't know who I am and all, but I'm sure we'll get along perfectly.
Y'know, your so beautiful. I mean it. Your so so so so so beautiful luv.
This may seem really weird but I can already feel our connection. It's like we're made for eachother! And I'm sure you'll feel it too! Soon.♡
I made you chocolates! They have my secret ingredient in them!
I hope you eat them all, I put in extra love.♡

I watched you walk home yesterday... You shouldn't pet random people's dogs Bin.
What if they hurt you Binnie?

Never mind.

I'll buy you some hot chocolate tomorrow Bin.

I love you, have a nice day at school and stay safe.

I love you♡


"Hey Bin? You good?"
Changbin looked up, making eye contact with his best friend, Hyunjin.

Changbin plastered on a smile as he hid the creepy letter behind his back.

Hyunjin turned back to cooing over his boyfriend Chan.

Feeling like a third wheel, Changbin turned back to the weird note and chocolate chip cookies hidden in the back of his locker.

Grabbing them both, Changbin made his way over to the trashcan, throwing away the treats.

Changbin felt eyes burning through the back of his head, turning around he saw nothing unusual.

The bell rings and Changbin makes his way back to his locker, his friends no longer there. They must have left for class already.

Grabbing his heavy books, Changbin started for his first period class, Language Arts.

On his way through the clearing out hallways, Changbin bumped into a slightly taller figure.
"Omg! I'm so sorry!"

Changbin bent down to help the other person pick up the books on the ground.
Changbin looked at the person and saw a tuff of orange hair.

"No, it was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going."
The voice was strangely deeper than Changbin expected.

The male looked up and Changbin was shocked by the flurry of freckles, flecked upon the male's face.

The male quickly scurried off, mumbling something under his breath that Changbin couldn't quite hear.

Thinking it was just a quick goodbye, Changbin quickly brushed it off, standing and making his way to his class in the now empty hallway.

The bell rang again, just as Changbin stepped inside the classroom, the teacher giving Changbin a smile.

Changbin saw a familiar tuff of orange hair in the seat in the back.

He must be the new kid.

Changbin made his way to his seat next to his friend Jisung.

The teacher smiled at the class and started the lesson.

Time skip
After school

Changbin stood in front of the school waiting for his mom to come pick him up.

He plugged in his ear buds and sat down on a bench under the shade of a plum tree.

Changbin snapped out of his daze when he felt a buzz in his sweater pocket, where he set his phone.

Hey hun, I can't pick you up today. I have to stay another shift, Mrs.Choi called in sick today. I love you, stay safe!❤❤

It's okay momma, I'll just walk. I love you too💛

Changbin stood up from the bench and set off towards his house, the walk only takes about 10 minutes so Changbin wasn't complaining.

As Changbin walked he felt a stare at the back of his head.

Changbin turned around, looking for atleast one other person walking behind him, but found nothing.

Changbin turned back around hesitantly.

The stare came back after a few seconds, but now there were footsteps, close behind Changbin.

Changbin turned back around quickly, but once again, was met with just an empty road.

Changbin started to speed up, but stopped instantly when he felt a buzz from his sweater pocket.

Checking his phone, a text message from an unknown number greeted Changbin's eyes.

Why did you throw away the cookies I made you?

I worked hard on those dammit.

Answer me!


Seo Changbin!

Binnie.. Baby? Please answer me bub.

Changbin I swear.

I know that ur reading these. I standing right behind you. I'm not an idiot baby.

Leave me alone... Please...


Changbin looked around frantically, but still saw no one.

Ur so cute when ur scared(。♥‿♥。)

I saw you and that teacher smiling at eachother.

He shouldn't smile at students like that. He was definitely trying to flirt with you. That's against the rules. Ur mine baby. Mine mine mine mine mine mine MINE!!

He has to pay the price.

Just know... This is all for you, everything I do is for you. You are my new reason to live.

Just know I love you baby, and well be together soon my love♡♡

Changbin booked it, running down the street as fast as his slightly shorter than average legs could take him.

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