Chapter 13: Shameless Flirt

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"Wha-what,"  I stuttered and gripped my hands into fists. The bright sun beat down on my face as my temper started to flare up again, "Who do you think you-"

I cut myself short when I saw the tan hunk standing before me, with a hand clamped over his eyes.

Bronson cracked his fingers open and peered through them. His deep blue eyes flickered down at me as he started to stumble on his words, "I-I totally was not looking I swear it-"

My cheeks blushed a vivid crimson as I stalked towards where he was leaning against my open door of the ram. Bronson put his hands up in defense rambling, "Arizona, I promise! I heard George Strait playing from your truck and I just came over here to see who it was. As I came up, I saw you leaned over changing into your jeans and only saw you pulling them up- at the last second. I promise I didn't see anything."

I was close enough to look into those prussian blues and see the sincerity in them. I unclenched my fists a little bit. "God Bronson you scared the living day light out of me- again!"

Bronson's wariness cracked and slowly he relaxed back into his cool demeanor, "I'm gettin' pretty good at that it seems."

I hadn't realized how close I was to him until he shifted to lean his hand on top of the truck above me. Lord have Mercy. He definitely knows what he's doing to me.

Trying not to get flustered I reached out and pushed him playfully, getting no where with making him budge from his spot. Making note of the chiseled abs underneath I lowered my voice and said, "Yeah well, I better get goin' cowboy. You're gonna make me late."

"And late for what exactly sweetheart?" Bronson questioned, laying his accent on thick. He looked me up and down, making sure to take his time in the process.

Returning the favor, I glanced down at his dusty cowboy boots and ran my gaze back up to his squinting eyes. Squinting from the bright sun or suspicions, I couldn't make out as I said, "That's for me to know and you to find out- at some point".

I leaned closer into him, enough to feel his minty breathe fan my face. I drew a sly grin as if to say, Go ahead, your move.

"Oh?" A challenge. Bronson raised one of his eyebrows, angling his head down to my face.  "And how do you expect me to find out kitten?"

I reached my arm around his waist pressing myself up against him. His eyes bucked wild as he straightened against me, shocked. Got ya. I smirked.

I twisted myself around him and swerved underneath his arm. Now standing behind him, I was sure I left him dumbfounded. I snickered to myself and kept walking to the open cab door next to us to finish getting ready.

I heard a groan and a deep laugh as Bronson peered around the door. I looked up, expecting to see disappointment splayed across his features, but came face to face with a wicked smirk instead.

"That was cute- I'm gonna get you back for that mark my words".

I slipped on my belt and noticed his eyes lingering on my waist. "Oh I'll be waiting handsome," and slipped him a wink.

His face flushed for the first time I had ever seen. He reached his hand up to fluff his golden hair at the nape of his neck.

Oh Lord not this sexy arm thing again.

I reached back into my truck and grabbed my boots as a distraction. Bronson peeked at them, a quizzing expression crossed his face. "So when were you gonna tell me you rode?"

"What makes you think I ride?" A stupid question that I knew the answer to, but I wanted to know anyways.

"Oh I don't know, maybe the dusty boots, the pearl snaps-" he pointed at the shirts hanging behind me, then to my belt and mused, -"or maybe the bright ass, barrel racing belt buckle you have on."

I laughed and smiled warmly, "Okay, okay you caught me."

"What I don't understand is why you wouldn't just wear that to school in the first place?"

Bronson's question strummed a cord in me. I looked to the side at the open field leading on for acres and stated with a shrug, "I wanted to fit in".

"So you thought dressing differently would help with that?" He looked at me with uncertainty in his eyes, as if he couldn't quite understand.

"Obviously," I rolled my eyes and gestured at him. "Everybody likes a cowboy, a cowgirl- not so much. We get labeled horse-girl and targeted for it. By dressing myself down in basic clothes, I thought I would be able to coast under the radar for a lil bit. Being the center of attention for being made fun of is not something I particularly enjoy."

Bronson's eyes flickered again with something I couldn't make out. "Well I for one, highly disagree with you darlin'... I think the fact that you're different from the majority of everyone is the sexiest thing about you."

My heart jumped as I gazed into his stare. Did this man really just said that?! Sweet Baby Jesus.

"I-..." I had no idea what to say.

Bronson smirked knowing he'd caught me off guard. He leaned forward and shut the back car door, leaving me standing there.

I clenched my fists again. Okay so he thinks he won, does he?  I was getting heated all over again at the gall this man had.

Bronson smirked as he crossed his muscled arms over his black button up, "Easy tiger, you better saddle up and go or else you'll be 'late' to wherever it is you're-"

I let a punch fly into his arm and then I laid another one until he started hootin' and laughing- LAUGHING at me.

"Would you just let me go already," I said in between hits, with a grin forming on my lips.

He raised his hands in defense to block and laughed, "Alright-alright, go!"

I hopped into the drivers seat and rolled down window. As I started the truck up I heard Bronson start running his mouth again.

"Oh yeah by the way," he yelled, his eyes twinkled with mischief as I rolled the truck out of my parking spot.

"Them nude lace undies you got on- a great choice for a Friday darlin'" and added a devilish wink.


To be continued... 😉🙈

~Y'all! Here's a fun little (or should I say big) chapter for you guysssss- I've missed you so much! I'm hoping to start updating again-maybe not as regular as I would like to, but definitely going to start updating again regardless. It's literally be like 2 1/2 years since I last updated this book! WHAT! It's crazy because these characters still have such a deep rooted place in my heart. 

So- in conclusion- expect more updates ;) 

Let me know what yah think! Comment, Share, and Vote! 😊💕

Love yah!  XoXo 

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