Chapter 6: She's as crazy as me

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"What?! I didn't know that," I was shocked. No wonder he called me a city girl. I guess I just hadn't noticed a belt buckle. It's a no wonder I didn't, he had the best damn smile and chiseled body I've ever seen. 

"Yep," she popped her 'p'. "He sure does, that's why I'm going to help set you up with him." 

"Oh no, no you don't have to do that, I think I can manage fine, myself," I winked and pulled over next to her jeep.

"Ahhh I see, Well alright. I just hope you know that he's hard one to get." She opened her door. 

I looked at her with a questioning look and she continued, "Yeah, he hasn't had a girlfriend in a while. Like end of sophomore year or so, that summer he broke up with his girl, because he found out she was cheatin' on em'. I guess he just hasn't found the right girl since." 

"Wow, seriously..," my eyes widened, "He seems like such a casanova." 

"Oh he is, but he doesn't mean anything by it with other girls. All of the girls know that, especially here. He's had to turn down a few, " she snorted. "But I've never seen him act that way with anyone but you before. That little stunt in welding, honey he's never acted like that with anyone. Even with his old girl, he's never been that playful and happy." 

I blushed, "Well shoot, you think I've even got a chance with him?" 

She grabbed her bag and hopped out, unlocking her jeep with her key. "Hellls yes Ari, Hey let me get your phone number so we can hangout or go riding sometime." 

My eyes light up. YAYYY finally I had a friend. And one was all I really needed. The more friends a person had, the more drama they had. I was just not that kind of gal to go to Starbucks and gossip about who was cheating and sleeping with the biggest slut in school. 

"Damn straight, here." I grabbed her i-phone and punched in my number. 

"Alright sweet!" Codi jumped in her jeep and rolled down her window. She revved her engine and pulled up closer to my open window on the passenger side. 

"Hey! I've got an idea to get you and Mr. Cowboy together." She said over our running engines. 

I shrugged, "Alright I mean what are you thinking we do?" 

"Well there is a lake not too far from where I live, around an hour or so away..." She pondered and cocked her head thinking. A devilish grin grew across her face. 

OHHHHH no what was she thinking. Something about her face did not settle well with my stomach. 

"What?" I yelled uneasily. 

"Awww nothing Arizona, nothing to worry about. Just free up your weekend from Friday night to Sunday night okay? Okay, perfect! I'll text you with the details later" Codi waved gave a toothy grin as she drove off through the parking lot. 

What does this crazy girl have up her sleeve?  I grinned. It was good to finally meet someone as wild as me. These next few days should be fun. 



I seriously need to do some apologizing that I haven't updated in forever! It's been what like 2 weeks? I'm soo sorry oml. And I KNOOOW this chapter is short, I promise the next one will be longer and MUCH more eventful ;) *HINT HINT* I just really wanted to get an update out for y'all! 

I have officially started school *internally crying that I can't just stay home all day with the horses and my mud* My classes are actually pretty easy this year, so hooray! More updates for y'all! Have you guys started school yet?! 

Let me know what yah think! Comment, share, and Vote! 😊💕

Love yah! YEE YEE, XoXo

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