Chapter 12: Stripping in the School Parking Lot?

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"Oooooo Girl, I saw what Bronson did to you in class today." Codi piped up while walking out into the parking lot. After the bell rang, Codi grabbed my arm and pulled me outside before I could even say anything to Bronson.

I laughed and grabbed my keys out of my bag, sticking them in my pocket, "I know right. He's crazy if he thinks he's gonna keep getting' away with doing things like that."

"Damn Ari, he totally has the hots for you. Oh yeah that reminds me, did you ask about heading up to the lake with me this weekend?"

SHIT. I totally forgot to ask. "Umm yeah about that," a pained expression crossed my face.

"Oh noo Ari, please tell me you can go?!" She wined as we came up to her Jeep.

"Umm yeah I'll be able to go, I'm sure of it. My parents love me and after what I'm doing for them today, they'll let me go. Besides I'm practically an adult." I spouted off, trying to convince Codi, but more myself.

Codi clicked her keys and hopped in her drivers seat. I closed the door for her as she rolled the window down, "If you say so! Yay, I'm so happy you can go girl. It'll be so much fun. You tell em that I got a big ol pontoon that my family uses for our day trips. She's perfectly safe! I got us a miny fishing row boat too that we can use if you wanna fish tomorrow morning!"

"No way, that's awesome! I'd love to actually! Sounds like a plan." I jumped up and down excitedly outside of her Jeep like I'd just seen a foal stand up and take it's first steps.

"Alright then once you get the "Okay" from your ma and pops text me, and I'll text you with a list of what to bring." Her black hair bounced up and down as she talked with excitement.

"Sweet! I will as soon as I know! Thanks again for inviting me," I said sincerely.

"Oh gosh it's no trouble at all girl! Anything for a friend!" She revved her engine to life.

"Awh thanks Cods! See you tonight!" I patted her door and backed up to let her pull out and leave.

She laughed and yelled as loud as she could, leaning out of her diver seat, "Cyah sexy thang!" And peeled out of the school, sending her tires in a burn out of squeaks.

"Geez," I laughed waving her off.

As I walked back and reached my truck, I dragged my hand down my braid and pulled out the hair tie. I splayed my fingers through my hair, undoing the now dry braid. My truck honked as I clicked the unlock button and opened my door as well as the door next to it. The Texan afternoon heat had settled across the parking lot so I threw the keys into the ignition and cranked the AC.

Looking around at the fields and the parking lot, there was only a few vehicles left. All that remained were the truck's of the juniors that were still in school. The way we'd parked in the back gave me plenty of privacy to change into my boots and comfy clothes.

Time to relax and just be myself, I reached for the dial to my volume and blasted "Yesterday's Song" by Hunter Hayes.

I hopped back out and flipped my hair down and shook out the rest of the waves that my hair had taken form to. I flipped back up and pulled my dirty vans off, leaving my sock covered feet to patter across the sun-licked asphalt.

I then tossed my vans into the backseat and surveyed all of the things I'd accumulated over the years of driving back and fourth between rodeos. A couple of pearl snap rodeo shirts neatly hung onto the hooks at the top of the truck, my cowboy hat, at least 2 pairs of spurs, a bag of stale Hot Cheetos, and containers of semi-melted chapsticks were spread about across the worn leather seats.

Rummaging through I found my stack of clothes and belt, and grabbed the yellow tank top that I'd snagged from a chair in my room this morning. To air on the side of caution, I peeked out from my open door and looked around one last time to see if there was anyone in the parking lot.

Bare as a water park in the winter time, I smirked with a raised brow and yanked my crop top off of my body. Standing there in my nude bra, I slipped my yellow tank right on and fluffed my hair out from the back of it.

My ears perked up when "Here for a Good Time" by George Strait came on through my aux cord.

"I'm not going to lay around and whine and moan— Cause somebody done, done me wrong," I sang along at the top of my lungs and bumped my body to the beat of Strait as I reached for my folded up jeans.

I unbuttoned my shortie shorts and inched them down, leaving me in my cheeky nude lace underwear. I set aside the shorts and moved on to putting on the jeans.

"I ain't here for a long time-
I'm here for a good time-
So bring on some sunshine, to hell with the red wine-
Pour me some moonshine!"

I slipped one leg into the pair of wranglers and then the other. Singing along to the rest of the chorus I shimmied my butt into the snug jeans and pulled them up.

Just as I was about to belt the next verse, I heard a stifled... was that a laugh?

Before my mind could even go into self defense mode, I was whirling my head around to face the last person I'd ever want to see in this given situation.

I mentally kicked myself in the ass, Talk about Embarrassing.

"So, we're stripping in the parking lot?"


To be continued... 😉🙈

~Y'all! Who do you think caught her changing?!

Also sidenote: I just found out that polyvore is no longer a thing! What the flip, I mf lovedd that app so much!! Well the good news is I found another app that can let me put together outfits like the one above ^^ :) But the bad news is, it takes me forever to find the picture of the specific clothing/accessory I want to add, and it also won't let me adjust the size of them 😣 Oh well, I least I have something! Can't complain there hehe. Hope you guys like it!

Side-SideNote: I linked the song "Here for a Good Time" by George Strait! Hopefully y'all have already heard this legendary song, but if not I hope you give it a listen. That's what the real country music sounds like 🤪

Let me know what yah think! Comment, share, and Vote! 😊💕

Love yah! YEE YEE, XoXo

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