Chapter 11: Sweet Baby Jesus

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Last night I ended up staying late (okay a lot more late than I intended to). It didn't help that by the time Brantley and I had put up our horses and got cleaned up, we had to eat dinner and help Momma clean off the table and wash the dishes. By the time I'd finished it all, it was 12:30 at night.

Waking up for school this morning was a struggle to say the least. John Pardi's voice sounded off in my room for yet another day of school and morning chores. I mused, Finally it's mother-flippin FRIYAYYY.

I dragged my sleep deprived ass out of the warm cocoon of blankets, to throw on my boots that I'd placed next to my door. I plodded my way down the stairs in my pj shorts with the saying "busting mine to kick yours" written across my butt and a pink tank top. My auburn hair was a bundled mess of day-old curls on top of my head. I hadn't even bothered washing my hair last night, I was saving that for this morning in hopes of waking myself up before school.

I groaned and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, proceeding to step outside into the fresh 5 am morning air.

"Ughhhhhughhuhgh," I bellowed and stomped my way over to the barn to start my morning chores and feeding. I have got to start getting used to this whole school thing and waking up early.


Brantley and I stood in the kitchen about to leave for school. After I had finished my morning chores, reluctantly I might add, I ran back upstairs and took a shower. I threw my "normal high school girl" clothes on for yet another day. Today I was sporting ripped American Eagle shorts and a light blue halter top. I decided to throw my hair into a french braid, since it was still a bit damp after my shower. I figured I might as well finish the week off wearing the clothes that I can "fit in" with. Besides, it was kind of funny to see the way Bronson had responded to them. I liked being a bit mysterious anyways.

I snickered in my mind. That boy really has no clue who he's dealing with. But lord have mercy on me he is one fine cowboy. After what Codi had filled me in on about him and the amount of rodeo he did, that only made me like him even more.

Momma snapped me out of my day dreaming involving the handsome hunk and said, "Ari, I need you to pick up our last order of pellets and hay today at the feed store. It's a small order, it's the one that Dad couldn't pick up last weekend because we ran out of time in the day."

My head snapped out of it and I furrowed my brows, "Why can't Lee do it, I'm the one who did it all last weekend with Daddy?"

"Because Ari he has a football orientation, and you get out of school with plenty of time to do it," Momma closed the door to the fridge and peeked her eyes above her pink glasses.

Brantley stood up from the bar seat at our kitchen island, "Yeah, I have football. I don't see why you're complaining, you get out of school early, why I'm stuck in class."

"True true, alright Momma. I can do that," I went to grab the keys to the truck when I realized that I was going to need to change clothes in order to load the hay. There is absolutely noooo way I'm loading hay in cheap ass shortie shorts. I'm gonna need to get into some acceptable hay haulin clothes.

I spun on a dime and turned to run back upstairs and change when Lee called after me, "Where you goin, we gotta leave for school!"

"I have to go change into some jeans if I'm gonna be hauling hay," I stopped at the stairwell and peered down the hallway at him.

"Just grab the clothes and change afterschool, we don't have time for you to be foolin' around Ari."

"Fine fine, whatever you say you big baby," I muttered running up the stairs and into my room to grab the clothes and boots.

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