Chapter 3: One's a handful and One's a cutie

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A//N: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I had to put my dog down a few days ago. She was my BEST friend for nine years. My other dogs at home can't fill the little piece of my heart that's gone. My dog was there for me during all my hardships, this year especially, and it's been a rough couple of days. I'm trying to take my mind off of it, so I don't spend all day crying, and I'm going to start writing more and hopefully updating more for y'all. No one wants to hear that they have to put down their best friend, I certainly didn't... So if anyone is going through a hard time right now, or even in the future reading this, feel free to message me! No one should be going through a death, or any troubling/tough decisions in your life alone. I'm here for y'all, as you are for me. :) Anyways, please enjoy the update! (Also, sorry for dropping that heavy bomb, haha, I'm getting through it, so don't worry about me.) Now you can enjoy hehehe.

Sidenote! The song above is used to show how Arizona walks into the room with her lil attitude ;)


Brantley and I checked in at the front office and got our schedules and ID's. We walked out of the office into the court yard.

"What's your first period Lee?" I leaned over on my tippy toes to see what his schedule looked like.

"English 3." He said and snatched his schedule out of the way so I couldn't see anymore.

Even though Brantley was a year younger than me, he was taller, more muscular, and faster than me. Brantley weighed in at 185 lbs. of pure muscle, and standing at 6 feet. I guess you could thank football for that. Nobody had ever messed with me once they found out that Brantley James was my brother, and I had to admit, it was relieving.

"I got Pre-Calc." I said depressingly looking down at my schedule. Second hour was English 4, Third was Advanced Weights, Fourth was Welding 1, and that was my day. Thankfully at my old school I had taken my studies pretty seriously and got all my major classes out of the way. So this year was going to be easy-peasey.

"Sweet," He started walking towards, what I assumed, was the English Building. "See you after school bud."

"Alright, I'll come back and pick you up. What time do you get out?"

Lee turned around and started to back peddle to the building, "I have a full day, so 2:30"

" M'Kay see you then!" I looked at map on the back of my schedule, and found the Math building. Walking over to it, I thought about my classes. English was going to be a breeze, and so was advanced weights. I took a lot of weight classes back home. Math had always been hard for me, so this should be fun, especially it being my first hour of the day. I rolled my eyes, just thinking about the snobby teacher I was about to have. Math teachers always had a way of making me feel like I wasn't a good enough student. I reminded myself of Lee's words looking for some comfort, "...we're here, so why not make the best of it." I raised an eyebrow and devilishly grinned, Yeah I'm just gonna have fun.

Walking into the building I turned right after passing a few classrooms. Northwood High looked like any other high school, if you excluded the fancy white tiled flooring and bright lights on the high ceilings. I shivered, this school was way too fancy for me.

I came up to my classroom door that had a small sign that read "Room 232". I took a deep breathe and turned the handle.

You know that moment when you're hunting, and right as you're about to shoot the deer from around 50 yards or so, THE DEER LOOKS STRAIGHT AT YOU. Like it knows it's about to drop dead in less than 2.5 seconds.

That is exactly what happened when I turned the handle and walked in the classroom. Except the deer is 25 students, and a crotchety looking old lady at the front of the of the classroom.

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