02 : Equations

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I scribble some numbers on my notebook, obviously struggling

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I scribble some numbers on my notebook, obviously struggling. I am stuck on this equation for about ten minutes now.

"What's wrong with you." I speak to myself. It was weird because I solved these type of equations within seconds, but I feel like my mind isn't functioning properly today.

"Soobin?" A female voice echoed in the classroom. I look at the door where she is standing.

"Hello, Ms. Bae." I greet nonchalantly, not minding anything but my maths problem.

"What are you doing here in the empty classroom?" She places her papers on the main table. "Everyone already left."

I roll the pen between my fingers and then point at my notebook. "I was doing this but I'm still not able to solve."

"Oh, show me." She walks up to my desk before picking up the notebook and scanning the page. "Soobin, did you just forget that you have to reciprocate the value of constant before putting it at the place of x?"

I blink a few times before it hit me. Am I that stupid? "Ahh, shit. I'm sorry I didn't-"

"What's wrong?" She cuts me off. "Why do you look so distressed?"

"It's n-nothing." I start packing my stuff in a hurry, not having the energy to talk to her.

"You can tell me dear, I may even help if I can."

"See you tomorrow, Ms. Bae." I stand up and quickly bow to her, leaving the room while my mind is already occupied with the thoughts of what happened today.

Earlier that day..

"I've finally decided that I'm proposing Donghyuck this valentine's."


Did I hear it right? Tell me, tell me I didn't. Are my ears ringing or what?

But the dead silence on our table just reinforces that she actually said that.

Ryujin's jaw drops to the groud in shock. Yeonjun has his eyes wide open. Yeji is equally astounded.

No one dares to move after listening her words. My chest tightenes. Do I have a heart disease now?

Well, we know that Donghyuck had been Lia's crush since five months. Who'd have thought that she'll make a move on him.

Suddenly, I don't have interest in my milk anymore. I want to smile for her, but I just can't.

Yeji let's out a chuckle. "I'm so happy for you, bae!"

Happy? HAPPY? Oh I get it now. I have to act happy. My bestfriend is finally asking out her crush, I should be happy!

Be happy, Soobin.

I see Yeonjun and Ryujin grinning too. They're all happy. Ugh why is it so hard to be happy?

Now the word happy just sounds weird to you, doesn't it? Suddenly, Yeonjun steps up on the table, my pink haired friend pulling her plate of noodles away.

"Attention, everyone!" He shouts into the roll of newspaper he just formed. As expected, all the head in the cafeteria snaps in our direction. "I have a good news!"

"What? Are you pregnant?" Hyunjin shouts from his table and Yeonjun throws the newspaper on his face.

"Ignore him, tell us boo!" Jaemin shouts back, excitedly. Ugh why is everyone so excited.

"So, our dear bestie Lia here," Yeonjun starts, without the newspaper this time, "is finally having the guts to confess to her crush. And she's gonna really go for it this time."

The students erupted in loud oh's and woohoo's. I see Lia blushing while looking at everyone who screamed good luck to her.

"Who's this lucky girl?" Heejin speaks, slurping her coffee.

"It's a guy this time." Yeji smirks and the crowd again goes wooooo. "And Yeonjun, come the fuck down from the table before I yeet you to Jupiter."

Seriously though, why is everyone so interested in my best friend's love life?

"When are you doing it?" It was Giselle. Can they please stop with the questions already? It's getting irritating.

"You'll know soon," Lia winks at her and then looks at me. I force a smile to my face.

Wow, I never knew fake-smiling was this hard. What is happening to me??

Do y'all have any idea aboutwhat's wrong with Soobin?🤔

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Do y'all have any idea about
what's wrong with Soobin?🤔

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