08 : Goals

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I shift the ball between my hands, sitting in the empty basketball hall

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I shift the ball between my hands, sitting in the empty basketball hall.

My mind is too focused on what Yeji and I talked about yesterday. What did she mean?

The best thing about love is that it has the power to exist, even when it's not mutual.

My mother's words keep replaying in my head. There really is a weird pleasure in one sided love- wait what?

Soobin, you don't love anyone, get your shit together for fuck's sake! But how can I when my heart and everything is just too devoted for that one person.

"Woah calm down alpha," Her voice echos in the empty hall. I know who it is, but I don't look in her direction. "What did the poor ball ever do to you?"

What?! My eyes go wide as I realised that I have thrown the basketball way too hard on the court. Shit I didn't even realise when I did that.

Great, Choi motherfucking Soobin you have lost your control over your anger as well.

I sigh deeply. "How do you always exactly know where I am?"

"Hm.." I can hear feet shuffling towards my direction, and now can also feel her presence on the seat beside me. "Maybe because of the friends version of red string of fate?"

Friends, ofcoure. Someday she'll make up a friends version of love too and I won't be surprised.

However, I scrunch my nose and look at her, trying not to lose my mind because fuck she looks so pretty. "You believe in that?"

"Hell yes I do." Her laughter fills the space as she pushes my hair back from my forehead while I try not to lose my mind again about how soft her hands feels in my hair.

I am interrupted when she flicks my forehead. "No matter where you are, I'll always find a way to you."

"You're ridiculous."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes, moving to the court and picking up the ball. What is she doing? "Up for a match, Mr. Choi? Three by Three?"

Oh. I smile before standing and cracking my knuckles, "Sure, Ms. Choi."

"Be ready to get humiliated," she spins the ball on her index finger and I raise my brows in amusement.

"Mind your words, I was basketball team captain in high school." I smirk. I don't know why I'm behaving so unusual.

"Key word- was." She whispers. "Mr. Ex-captain must have lost his charm by now."

"You'll regret this." I roll my shirt's sleeves up my forearms.

"Wouldn't even dare." And she throws the ball in the air in the middle - starting the game.

I take the advantage of my height and jump to get the ball my side, successfully doing so.

My success was short lived though, because the next moment I see her blocking my way.

I dribble the ball side to side and she blocks every effort made by me. Ugh since when did she get this good in basketball?

She was about to hook it away from me but I quickly jump and shoot the ball - right in her basket!

I hear her groan. Tch. I wink at her while getting the ball in the middle again. "Told ya."

This time, she dribbles it her side but I'm quick enough to dodge it. Phew. I get her confused about what way I'm deciding to dodge the ball and just when she scrunches her brows, I take it mys side and shoot again!

"I guess you haven't rusted, Soobin." Lia squints her eyes cutely while I smile.

"The game just started and I already have two points, so I think you're right." I say, dribbling the ball easily.

But my eyes widen when I see her taking a sharp U turn, jumping straight on my back. "WHAT THE FUCK?"

"Hah!" She snaps and I feel her hands sliding on my shoulder. I instantly drop the ball to support her. I totally did not sign up for this piggyback ride. "Do you think it'd be easy?"

"Get off me." I grumble, contrary to my hands that are holding her in place. I don't wanna let go, honestly.

"Nope," she clicks her tongue and tightens her grip on me while I smile. "I like it this way."

"Do you know that you're heavy?" And I get the smack on my head I was expecting.

"Fuck off I'm not!" We both break down in giggles, the sound resonating in the empty court.

I love this- only Lia and I, laughing in each other's presence without worrying about anything.

Now that I know I like her, it's just way better. I turn to my left and catch her eyes. The laughter dies down quickly as we both hold the gazes, me not wanting to break it anytime soon.

"Uhm," Who the fuck is this?

She hastily gets off me, and I instantly miss the warmth. I look at the source of interruption, what is he doing here?

"Umm Lia, Ms. Bae wants you in her office, to talk about some sort of submissions I guess." Donghyuck says, adjusting the strap of his backpack.

What a way to ruin everything.

"Oh shit. I'll have to go," I see Lia panicking a little as she turns to me and then to him again. "Bye binnie, bye hyuck."

Now the both of us stand together, watching her slowly fade away. I sigh.

"You like her, don't you?" I ask, my eyes hazy, looking in the direction where she left.

Donghyuck widens his eyes and snaps his head at me. "You know?"

"Yea," I form a weak small yet soft smile, "Knew it since day one."

There were a few moments of silence between us. He didn't reply me. As if I care.

My mind is blank.

"Funny how you figured out someone else's feelings before yours, Soobin." Donghyuck says and walks out, leaving me utter glued to my place. He knew too? Damn, how many people knew except me-

do you think soobin wouldbe a coward and let lia bewith hyuck or step up his game?👀👀👀👀👀

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do you think soobin would
be a coward and let lia be
with hyuck or step up his game?

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