01 : Noodles

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It takes real skills to choke on air and trip over nothing

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It takes real skills to choke on air and trip over nothing. I have that skills. It's called being clumsy.

I just bumped my head in the door of my locker. And now there's a red spot on my forehead. And it's paining.

I hate my life.

Rubbing my aching forehead, I scan the university's cafeteria until my eyes land on Yeji, who is already waving her hand at me.

Did I turn blind too?

"What happened?" She asks in concern while I sit down across her. "It looks like it's hurting."

"Nothing major," I reply, taking the straw of my almond milk carton in my mouth. Ah, how much I needed it right now.

"GUYS!" A boy crashed on our table. Yeonjun. Who else could it be. "YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT I HEARD RIGHT NOW."

"We sure won't believe until you tell us," Yeji pulls a chair for him as he sits right beside me. I sip on my milk, not really minding what he was gonna tell.

"I HEARD- I heard Aera saying to her friend that her tampon doesn't fit her pussy anymore 'cause she be hoeing around way too much," he whispers and I choke on my beverage.

"CHOI YEONJUN!" Yeji slams her hands on the table while I continue to choke. Oh fuck not again please. I've got enough of a bad day to keep up with his shit! "THAT IS NOT HOW A VAGINA WORKS!"

Suddenly, I feel someone patting my back to calm me. Coughing, I turn around to see Ryujin doing it.

She rolls her eyes. "I've been trying to tell him that for the last twenty minutes, Hwang. He ain't believing."

"Just because her legs are open for nearly the whole university doesn't mean that her vagina will become loose or anything." She sits next to Yeji, placing her bag on the empty chair. Yes, knock some sense into the man.

With a few more coughing fits, I am finally calm from the choking session. My friends are so weird. Correction, it's only Yeonjun.

As if my physical pain wasn't enough, he is giving me mental pain too. "But she said it herself!" He defends. Ugh, this idiot.

"Hey lovelies." My eyes lit up when I hear Lia's voice fills our ears. "What's going on?"

I look at her taking a seat on my left. "Trust me, you wouldn't need to know." Ryujin says, stuffing her mouth with noodles.

Lia's smile turns into a frown when she looks at me. Oh my god, did I say anything stupid? I swear I didn't even open my mouth this time!

"Soobin, what's that?" She asks as she grips my head, turning it to her, taking a closer look on the minor injury that decorated my forehead.

"It's n-nothing," I reply, feeling warm and fuzzy inside when she gently blows on the affected area. The sting was long forgotten.

"You should take care of yourself," she says in concern.

"I have that for you," I remark jokingly, continuing to sip on my milk now.

"Oh shut up," she murmers before turning to the other three. "I got to know that Ms. Bae is conducting a special maths test the next week."

I smile, excited for the test while everyone groans.

Lia scoffs. "And Of course Soobin likes it, he's Ms. Bae's favourite."

What?! I absolutely hate when she is able to read my mind! I hear her chuckle. She's reading it again, isn't she?

"Anyways, what do you call an ant that doesn't go away?" Yeonjun chimes in.

No! Not this again! The table erupts in loud fits of no's and oh god's, tired of his dad jokes.

"Choi, if you dare continue your sentence, I'll stab you with this fork." Ryujin deadpans. Yes, I support.

The older however doesn't listen and continues. "It's a perman-ant!"

There was a huge moment of awkward silence before Lia laughs, followed by Yeji and I. This wasn't that bad.

"Yall's sense of humour has dropped to the level of Beomgyu's IQ." Ryujin shakes her head, but the small smile on her face doesn't go unnoticed by all of us.

"You need brain to have IQ, Beomgyu doesn't have a mind to begin with." Yeonjun retorts and we laugh even louder.

"Okay okay, calm down, I have got a big news." Lia taps on the table, gaining everyone's attention except Yeonjun, who I see was winking in Bangchan's direction. This boy I swear to god.

"Is the tea hot enough to be posted on our uni's gossip account on twitter?" Yeji twirls the water bottle in her hand.

"Uhm, maybe." My ears perk up as soon as I hear Lia say that. "I'm-"

She meets all of our eyes, who are eagerly waiting for her to continue. The air becomes tense as she increases the suspense.

"I'm going to confess to Donghyuck next month."

The book has finally started!Did you like the first chapter?And don't be a silent reader pls <3

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The book has finally started!
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And don't be a silent reader pls <3

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