06 : Feelings

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Welcome to the 372th episode of my misery, fellas!

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Welcome to the 372th episode of my misery, fellas!

Why misery? Because I am confused. About my feelings. For Lia. Nothing new. Just the regular, yeah.

"Are you sure that you don't like her— or even have mild feelings towards her?"

That's what my mom said when I told her about my weirdness.

I don't know man. How the fuck am I supposed to know?

This is the first time something like this is being exposed to me. I was so happy in my old little world, then why does these stupid feelings have to destroy everything?

Ding Dong!

The doorbell echoes in the living room. Fuck she's here.

"Soob, go get the door!" I hear my mom's voice through the kitchen.

"Going!" I shout back and head towards the entrance, hands already clammy as the thought of meeting her again invades my mind.

"Heyyyy," she smiles brightly as soon as I open the door.

"Hi," I smile back. Gosh this is so awkward. Since when did I become this awkward with her—

"Oh my, Lia!" Before I could do anything, my mother shoves me aside, engulfing my best friend in a hug.

Wow. Betrayal at it's finest.

"Aunty Seojun!" She hugs back with equal enthusiasm. "So good to see you!"

"Aww you've grown so thin," mom furrows her brows as she takes in her appearance. Can the ground please absorb me?

"Hitting those dance classes these days for the competition," she winks at the older female while my eyes widen. They're onto flirting now??


"Enough of the bonding session, she's here to study, mom." I glare at her, pulling them both apart.

"Yea," my mother rolls her eyes and leaves, letting the younger girl burst into a small fit of giggles.

"Don't mind her," I say, making way for her to come inside and closing the door afterwards.

"I don't actually," she starts, climbing the stairs while I tail behind her. "She's way more fun than you."

WHAT! I gasp, offended. "Exfuckingcuse me?"

"I said what I said," she beams, propping her bag on my bed and sitting on my swivel chair. Ouch. So gayforward. Didn't even sugarcoat anything.

"In my defence, I only do logical conversations so people often find me boring." I try to reason out as I arrange my table.

"Suit yourself," she spins herself on the chair and looks around, which I'm assuming that she's checking my room out. Even my room is more eye catchy for her than me. Wow.

"You changed this room, didn't you?" she says, voice soft as she stands up and walks over the showcase.

I smile to myself upon looking at the now arranged table and turning to her. "Yea, dad renovated the house so I decided to change little things here too."

She doesn't say anything but I see her eyes lingering on the numerous photo frames.

One is of me with my mum and dad. The other is with my elder sister who isn't in the country at the moment. The rest are me with my friends, lots of which being she and I.

"Things were so simple and easy when we were children, right?" She asks and I press my lips into a thin line. She's right.

Things were so at ease. There were no feelings involved. We used to play after completing homework, no worries of anything.

"Still can't believe we'll be finding jobs after the final year of our university, time flies so fast." I hear her breathing become irregular. Is she okay?

"Yes but you'll have a boyfriend soon though," I bump her shoulder teasingly and she breaks into a fond smile.

Donghyuck really has always been the reason for her smile, huh?

I feel the familiar pang in my heart. Damn I definitely have a heart disease. What if I'm dying soon?

I push the thoughts away instantly. "Let's get to the murder- I mean maths."

"This is great!" Lia exclaims in delight as soon as she takes a spoonful of cake in her mouth

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"This is great!" Lia exclaims in delight as soon as she takes a spoonful of cake in her mouth.

We have taken a short break from our study session currently.

"Really? Soobin made it himself!" My mom replies and I feel my cheeks getting warm.

Lia now looks at me in amusement while I fail miserably in hiding my blush. "I never knew you cook so nice."


"There are many things you don't know about me," I wink at her, myself getting surprised at the sudden confidence.

"I spoke too soon." Mom and Lia laugh loudly, high-fiving afterwards. Damn these women.

"Darling, I've heard that you're proposing someone soon?" Holy shit. Now why in world mom had to start this topic.

I see a light pink tint under on her cheekbones as she smiles shyly. "Yeah, my eyes are onto Hyuck quite a time now. I decided to finally give it a chance."

"Good luck, sweetie!" My mom gives her a reassuring smile, settling a weird feeling down in my stomach.

"We have to get back to Determinants," I say, my voice a little cold for my own liking. "Can you excuse us mom?"

"Sure honey," she says and leaves the room almost instantly. Phew.

"You really don't like seeing me happy while not doing maths, huh?" Lia chuckles as she licks the icing off her now pouting lips.

Oh how much I want to kiss that pout away right now.. my eyes slowly widen and my heart races at my own thoughts...

y'all the interviewerasked txt to make a jokeand beomgyu said"soobin is good looking"I'M DYING LAUGHING LMFAOO

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y'all the interviewer
asked txt to make a joke
and beomgyu said
"soobin is good looking"

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