03 : Books

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I trace my finger along the perfectly lined books, searching for a particular one

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I trace my finger along the perfectly lined books, searching for a particular one. Yes, I was in the library this afternoon.

Reading helps me calm my mind, a thing which I desperately need nowadays.

Ah! Found it. I take the book out from the shelf, only to be met with a cheekily grinning Lia on the other side. Wait what?

"Hey binnie~" she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

I widen my eyes. Is she actually here or am I just seeing things?! "Choi Julia and library; what a rare combination." I smile widely.

"Oh c'mon!" She whines.

It is indeed rare. Lia and books have a mutual feeling of hate for each other. The only books she reads are the ones of her syllabus. Therefore, it was natural of me to react this way.

I shake my head and sit down, leaning against the bookshelf. The stupid smile is still painted on my face as I hear her stomping her feet in my direction.

Lia sits next to me on the floor, bringing her knees to herself.

"What's the special matter?" My eyes are glued onto the book. Thankfully, the place is empty since no one visits in noon.

"Can't I come here because I feel like it?"

I roll my eyes. "Can't you find a better and believable excuse?"

A long groan of annoyance leaves her lips. "I just wanted to read something! And besides that, it's a very quiet place to lurk around."

"The last time you entered a library was in third grade to find about some demon summoning books and ended up flipping a whole bookshelf over— and lets not forget how much you were sulking at my house because you couldn't meet the spirits."

Lia whines even more loudly while I try to stifle a laugh. "Why in world do you remember that horrible memory?"

"I remeber everything, every second I've spent with you," I tear my eyes away from the page and lock them with hers. Before it gets awkward, I resume my reading,

"Anyways, what are you reading?" She's really an expert in changing topics.

"I don't think it's your type."

"Don't tell me that it's something emo and angsty."

"That's exactly what it is."

"Since when are you into that shit? Last time I checked, you were reading mystery?"

Woah woah woah, this hit me like a truck. I question myself, what's the cause of the sudden change?

What has really happened to me? This is something I dont want to find answers to, because I'm afraid I'll find something that I'm not supposed to know.

I'm better this way.

"People change. No one remains the same forever." I reply curtly, not wanting to carry this conversation anymore. "So what's the exact reason you're here?"

"Uhm, I'm h-here to ask for a favour." I hear her voice crack. I brush it off thinking she's just nervous because books are not her cup of tea.

"Go ahead." I turn to the next page, paying equal attention to her words.

"So I found out that Donghyuck is into books, reading and all that boring stuff. Therefore I wanna know more about it to have something in common with him."

My heart drops instantly at the mention of Donghyuck's name. In the end, it's all about him only.

 In the end, it's all about him only

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