07 : Secrets

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"Yo," Beomgyu hands over the beer to me

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"Yo," Beomgyu hands over the beer to me. "I failed at the maths test." 

"Disappointed, but not surprised." I chuckle, opening the cold glass bottle. We are standing in the balcony of Donghyuck's house.

Why? Because today is Donghyuck's birthday. All his close friends and their friends are invited at the small party.

Lia was stuck to Donghyuck like a chewing gum all the fucking time, which made me kinda disgusted, so I ended up being outside. Beomgyu, being the nice friend he is, decided to give me a lil company.

"Shut up, you nerd. I tried my best. Not my fault that maths isn't cooperative with me." He quickly defends himself.

I just let out a low laugh, chugging a few sips of beer down my throat. I have a good capacity and beer certainly won't make me drunk.

"Why the fuck is Lia so clingy with hyuck nowadays?" Beomgyu asks, sipping his own drink and looking at the table's direction from the balcony while I choke lightly.

"Oh that.." My face turns into a scowl, either from the sentence I'm going to say next or the sour liquid that I'm drinking. "She's actually planning to confess to Donghyuck that she likes him."

Beomgyu may or may not have spat his drink out. Wow, I definitely wasn't expecting this reaction. "WHAT? SHE WHAT?!"

"Geez, calm down. It's no big deal." I roll my eyes. Why is he acting like this though?

"NO BIG DEAL?!" Beomgyu almost shouts and people near the door look at him weirdly until I wave them off with a smile. "Do you even fucking know anything about Donghyuck?!"

I take another sip, kinda intrigued in this conversation. "Yeah, that he's Lia's crush for long time being."

"You honestly live under one of the biggest rocks on this planet." He eyes me in utter shock. What's wrong with him? "Donghyuck is University's biggest—"

"Oh Beomgyu!!" A voice cuts him off and I see it's Yeji who just entered the balcony.

She just emerged out of no where, this girl is unbelievable.

"Ryujin and Chaeryeong want to meet you in the kitchen." She says to Beomgyu and I take notice of how his brows furrow.

"Yea just a second," he turns to me. "Donghyuck is—"

"They need you now, It's urgent!" She cuts him once again and now she's pushing him inside? What's wrong with my friends?

Beomgyu sighs. "I'll be right back."

Yeji awkwardly laughs since it's just me and her right now and I'm eyeing her in suspicion. Something is off.

"So, what's up?"

"That's a horrible way to start a convo." I sneer and she laughs genuinely this time.

"True, anyways, I'm planning on getting laid tonight. It's been two months of no action." She leans on the glass railing. "If you find any hot guy, please send him my way."

I shake my head. "Seemingly hot guys have two inches dicks these days, to be honest."

"You're right." And we both end up laughing loudly.

It was now ten minutes of silence, a comfortable one. I'm enjoying the cars zoom on the road.

She speaks again. "What are you feeling, Soobin?"

Huh? I blink in confusion. "What?"

"About, everything, everything that's happening." She's staring at the distant citylights. They're beautiful.

"I'm stuck between overemotional and emotionless at the same time." I say with a dry chuckle.

"Thought so," she clicks her tongue and faces me. "Look there." She tilts her head to gesture inside where Donghyuck and Lia are currently dancing. Wait, when did they start dancing? "What do you think about this?"

I sense my body pausing for a good minute. Too many thoughts running through my mind, it's overwhelming.

"I feel that I'm trying to convince my mind about something that my heart knows is a lie."

I don't even know how those words slipped through my tongue, but they just.. did because I'm staring at Lia's flustered face as she dances with the man who is soon going to be hers.

Way to hurt yourself, Soobin.

"Stop pushing your feelings away," I didn't change my gaze when she speaks. "Because even the strongest feelings expire when ignored."

My breathing gets uneven and my heart feels heavy. My feelings for Lia? What are they?

"It's not hard to figure them out," Yeji voices out, making me tangled in my own self. "Just be brave enough to accept them."

It's true, I, always keep running away from what my heart yearns.

"Stop being a coward for once."

Her words do affect me because right now, I'm certain that I do like someone with wavy brown hair. Someone's who's my bestfriend for years. Someone who makes my heart smile in a way no one else can.

Someone who's name is Lia. I like Lia.. oh my fucking god..

a bit boring chapter :/(but was necessaryfor the plot, so sorry (╯︵╰,)

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a bit boring chapter :/
(but was necessary
for the plot, so sorry (╯︵╰,)

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