09 : Paints

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Soobin leans against the doorframe, his arms folded in front of his chest

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Soobin leans against the doorframe, his arms folded in front of his chest. "Tired?"

Lia cranes her neck in his direction, panting heavily as she lays wasted on the floor.

Beads of sweat decorated her forehead but she still managed to look beautiful in Soobin's opinion. "No, I'm totally not exhausted, I'm so fucking energetic."

"Why you gotta be so sarcastic?" He laughs, walking towards her and crouching down, handing her a water bottle.

It had been the routine for quite a time now, Lia working her ass off for the dance competition.

Ofcourse Soobin doesn't have a problem with it. Donghyuck being Lia's partner is also not a problem. Yeah. Really.

"Stop provoking me, I'm pissed." She snarls, chugging down the water hungrily.

"Yea? Why? Because your prince charming didn't accompany you today?" He asks playfully, but with a borderline mocking tone.

"Sorry I don't cry over men," she rolls her eyes. "I'm pissed because I can't seem to move forward with the choreography. This one step is pain in the ass."

Soobin raises his brows questioningly. "What step?"

"How am I supposed to show you when I can't do it?"

"Fair point." He chuckles and stands up, dusting his sweatpants. Lia takes her time to notice that he looks good in the grey hoodie.

My bestfriend has always looked good anyways. She shifts her gaze back from him to her reflection in the mirror that's covering the whole wall.

She sighs and walks to the music system, playing the song from beginning while wiping the sweat off.

"Aren't you going to leave?" She asks once she's in front of the mirror again, stretching her arms and legs for the sake of warming up, getting ready to start all over again.

"Thinking about watching you practice, it's more fun." He snickers and she doesn't question it. It's better than being alone at least.

Lia starts dancing. It was easy, the first half was already practiced many times by her and Donghyuck.

Soobin was kinda awestruck. He knew she dances well, but this was surely new to him. It has always been a result of her pouring her heart in everything she does.

It was going fine, until the part came with which she was struggling earlier.

She tries to do the step, but fails miserably and groans in the end, stomping her feet angrily.

He thinks for a while as he automatically starts moving to her, mentally preparing something.

"If you can't do it, don't force yourself." He says once they're close. "Do something that you're comfortable with."

"I can't, Donghyuck choreographed it and I can't do anything about it." She remarks — as a matter of fact.

He gritts his teeth, not liking what she said. "I don't care, change it."

"Oh really? Change it with what? Do you have anything in your mind?" Lia squints her eyes challengingly.

Soobin nods instantly. "Want me to show you?"

"Show me what you got." Her fingers trace the hem of her hoodie slowly.

A gasp leaves her lips when he holds her hand and intertwines their fingers before gripping her waist.

Her knees felt weak and her body goes limp upon the contact.

She clutches the fabric around his neck area tightly, heart beating at a fast pace. He gently pulls her as one of her feet drags along the floor like a paintbrush moving on a canvas.

Soobin lifts her, with a delicacy of a feather. Their bodies seem to have a mind of their own. He spins her around and the frills of her dress ripple in the air, creating an effect of paint splatters.

He gently lowers her, until she was back on the floor, her eyes never leaving his. He then turns her around. Her back colliding with his chest while she moves her head back to rest it on his shoulder.

He motions his hands down her arms, feeling the softness of her velvety skin, his warm breath hitting her neck, sending chills down her legs. It feels just like those small paint strokes.

"Perfect." He whispers in her ear as if he had just created the most beautiful painting. Lia lets out a shaky breath and faces him, covering his eyes with both her hands.

He removes them one by one and sways her to the left side.

The music that faintly plays in the background is now the thing they are least paying attention to, dancing to the rhythms of their heartbeats.

Her movements flow with a dazzling grace, enough to take away his breath with every spin she does around him.

He halts her and links his hand with hers, both of them facing each other now. Lia breathes heavily, holding his intense gaze.

Soobin is enjoying the conversation their eyes were having right now. Because he is damn sure he likes — no, loves her and no one can take this feeling away.

 Because he is damn sure he likes — no, loves her and no one can take this feeling away

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next is the last chapter 👀
shit is about to go down 👀👀
I'm excited (≧▽≦)

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