11 : Daisies

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"God!" I hear Yeji groan as soon as she stops on the door of my empty classroom

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"God!" I hear Yeji groan as soon as she stops on the door of my empty classroom. "Where the fuck have you been?!"

I pay no attention to her while packing my bag.

"Soobin!" She shouts and stomps her feet towards me. I roll my eyes, slinging the bag on my shoulder.


"Don't 'what' me bitch!" Damn she looks angry. Is it alright that o know exactly why she's angry. "I will fucking slice your throat!"

Okay, it's totally not alright.

"You've been twenty minutes late." She gritts her teeth and steps aside, wanting me to move out.

So she knows I know what she knows. Fuck.

When I don't budge my feet, she angrily grabs my wrist and drags me to the door.

"You're lucky that he hasn't arrived yet, otherwise Lia would've murdered by you." Yeji grumbles as we walk towards the place I least wanted to be right now.

I snicker lowly, not enough for her to hear.

Why the hell would I want to be on the same place when Lia would be confessing to Donghyuck.

Oh yes, I'm apprantly her Best Friend. I should be there. That is the duty of a best friend.

It's the D-Day today.

Simply, the funeral of my heart.

I honestly feel pathetic for being such a loser. But it's not my problem that I lack courage!

"All the arrangements are done," Yeji turns to me as soon as we arrive at the university canteen.

I smile curtly to that.

I feel the canteen isa little tacky and way too crowded for my liking.

But then again, who cares about my liking anyways.

The crowd is probably gathered to celebrate the confession.

I look around, all the tables and chairs are put aside creating space. There's a circle in the centre and the way to it was covered with pink rose petals where Donghyuck would probably walk today.

When I was taking in the surrounding, my eyes landed on Lia who was marching to me.

I gulp hesitantly.

"Oh how much I want to slap you right now for being late," I see her fists curling tightly. Am I screwed? "But I'll let it slide because he's not here till now."

I wish he never comes.

But my wish never fulfils.

So I stop wishing.

Hold on, I shouldn't stop, what if I jinx it—

"Soobin!!" Lia's voice makes me come out of my trance.

"Stop zoning out and here-" she opens my palm and hands me a camera...? "-you are the incharge of taking pictures, got it?"

I look her and then the camera and then back to her. "Yea, oka—"

"LIA!" We turn to Jeno who appeared on the door. "He's here! He's coming here!"

"Shit," Lia curses inaudible and shuffles in centre of the circle, in a way her back is facing me as I stand directly behind her, a few steps away from her.

I shake my head and open the lens cover, preparing for the best shoot of my misery.

I turn to my right, Beomgyu is waving a hi to me and he's having a camera too. For the side view I guess.

I honestly want to be invisible. I try to blend myself with the croud.

It hadn't even been a second when I start hearing people scream at a distance which was actually an anticipated hooting.

I sigh when I see Donghyuk's surprised figure from my camera's lens. He is now walking down the rose-ed pathway .

I click a picture of that.

It was physically paining to see him walking forward, only to be stopped every other step just to be handed a daisy by our friends.

I click everything.

He has reached in front of her now. I can't see her face but I know she's smiling cheekily. Or maybe she's shy? Is she blushing?

Donghyuck is so lucky. Why? Because he's witnessing what it feels like to be loved by Lia.

I want to trade the world to have her look at me the way she looks at him

But the world isn't mine to trade, neither is Lia's love.

"Wow.." Donghyuck breathes out. He looks amused and a little shocked when he holds the bunch of daisies in his hand.

I click a picture of his reaction.

"Hi," Lia whispers and we hear her because we're all quiet now.

And I can swear on everything I have, that the pain I am feeling right now feels like it would kill me.

My first love is standing right in front of her crush, ready to ask him out.

I knew I was going to see my world shatter but guess what I did? Nothing. I didn't even move.

Lia's hands move to her back pocket to take out the last daisy.

The time seems to be stopped for me as I am only able to see her actions through the glass of the lens.

Everything feels blur, slow and ruthlessly painful.

My camera follows her when she slowly goes down on her knees. Air is knocked out of my lungs when I see her kneeling on the floor— but in front of me rather than him..

 Air is knocked out of my lungs when I see her kneeling on the floor— but in front of me rather than him

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I'm sorry for the late update

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