04 : Fantasies

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My grip on the book becomes tighter as I instantly close it, losing the interest to read it further

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My grip on the book becomes tighter as I instantly close it, losing the interest to read it further.

I shouldn't react this way but I can't help it, okay!

"Fantasy, huh?" I ask through gritted teeth. Oh gosh, Soobin, behave. Lia hums and stands up while dusting off her jeans as I do the same.

Instead of saying anything, I think for a while before walking up to a particular section, followed by her.

I'm rather hesitant to admit it but she looks really cute when walking aimlessly like a lost puppy. It's not her fault though, poor girl has never seen a library.

"What about..." Brushing the thoughts off, I busy myself in reading the titles of the books placed. "....Lost? That's a great fantasy book."

"Huh?" I turn to her who looks confused. I raise a brow at how she wasn't listening. "O-oh, yeah."

"Pay attention." I say a little harshly, which I regret almost instantly after seeing her pout.  But I ignore it anyway, going back to the work.

I stop in my tracks abruptly, causing her to bump into my back. Aaaand I turn again, repeating the same thing. "I told you to pay attention."

"Sowwy." Cute. "Why doesn't the librarian mind us being loud?"

"Because we're the only ones here and besides, she's my firend." I say, skimming through the shelf in front of me, grabbing a book.

"Wow, didn't know you were into oldies."

"Shut up."

After a while of searching here and there, we have gathered a couple of novels.

Lia had to actually stop me from collecting more because she knows she wouldn't be able to read more than three.

"Oh!" I suddenly clap my hands. "I forgot about one of the best fantasy book! Dreamland!"

Lia scowls. "Please, I don't want more." Aish, this girl.

"Shut up. You'll enjoy it." I scan the shelf to look for the book until my eyes find it. "There!" I point at the top shelf, getting the library's ladder and placing it just below it.

"I'll get it." She chims in, excitedly. No, I can't let her do that. Before I can protest, she is rolling up her sleeve, ready for the adventurous act.

The girl narrows her eyes glancing at the book while saying, "Let me live the life of those insanely handsome k-drama leads who helps their woman out in every way possible."

I laugh lightly at the cuteness overflowing and say, "So, are you saying that I'm your female lead and you're impressing me?"

"Kinda.." She replies back and is already climbing up the ladder that I'm holding for support, making my heart beat increase due to any possible threats of her falling.

"This one?" She asks in the smallest voice possible, looking at me as I nod, mentally satisfied that nothing happened.

My mind spoke too soon. Because now I can see her struggling to come down the ladder with one hand, since the other is holding the book.

I curse myself for not offering to hold the book but before I can do that, I see her losing her balance.


"Oh fuck no!" And the next thing I knew was her falling in my direction.

We both screech, everything seems slow motion, excpet for the fact that this slow motion is due to the fear of the upcoming injuries!

It isn't like kdramas. It isn't the romantic fall y'all witness. And no, we didn't accidentally kiss because that's not how science works!

Quick Soobin, protect yourself! My conscience shouted at me.

I immediately turn to my left, preventing my nose from hitting the ground as I lay on my stomach.

Just when I thought mission clear, I hear a loud thud echoing in the library.

"Fuck.." I groan as she lands on my back. So amazing!

I think my ribs are broken for a second because of the weight of the girl on top of me.

God, I don't wanna die so soon!

"Eh.." she trails off, I can feel her scratching the back of her head. "Thanks for saving me I guess?"

I try to laugh but it comes out as a hoarse shriek because she's on top of me. Not my fault!

"So you just fell from the ladder of love while trying to impress your lead?" I close my eyes, I don't have enough energy to keep them open.

"More like.." she starts, hesitates (wait what?), but continues anyway, "I fell from the ladder on my love."

I'm kinda enjoying writingin first person pov skksks

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I'm kinda enjoying writing
in first person pov skksks.
I know this sucks but anyways—
ignore the typos!

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