Chapter 58: MY agency

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Hey guys, I know who is reading this far is highly committed to reading, and I thank you for that, thank you for getting me to 7k reads it means the world to me, what do you guys want to be when your older? I want to be a voice actor or a author or an illustrator. Hope you enjoy


"HELP!!" I screamed, the sound of long nails going down a chalk board made me go on edge, I was blessing from the side of both my legs and a weird type of metal wrapped around my wrist 

"Let's play!!" A girls voice said, heels clanking down of the cold cement

"Who are you!!" I yelled at her

"Why did kill me, why, we could have been perfect. BIT YOU HAD TO RUIN MY LIVE AGAIN!!" Toga said while sharpening knifes against each other

"There's no possible way you could have survived!" I said

"I didn't, just a little of power, that's all" toga said

Dream ends

"GAH!!" I woke up to find sweat all over my forehead

"Just a nightmare, it's ok..." I said to myself, I looked at my phone and turned it on, it was 8:15 am

"Fuck" I said to myself

"Time to get building..." I said to myself

"Y/nnnnnnnn!!!!!" A mans voice Echoed from behind the door

"WHAT?" I yelled

"OPEN CHO DOOR!!" He yelled, I got out of bed and opened the door, Casper came running and and I shut the door

"What happened?" I asked



"12... 12 kids..." Casper said

"Fuck, and there all twins" I said

"I found out today that I will have 12 kids..." Casper said

"Eh, means mocha will have a fun time, being a single mom of 12... NO YOUR GOING TO BE A FATHER!!" I said

"Yes ma'am..." Casper said while walking into if the dorm room, I grabbed a bag in my room

"Fucking stupid cat..." I mumbled, I flew out of the room through the window

At a building place

"Hello young miss, what can we help you with?" The man at the counter said

"I'd like to build my hero agency" I said

"Hero license please" he said, I pulled out my license from my pocket and showed him it

"Ah, your a newbie, well first you should apply to work at a agency, you probably don't have enough money" he said with a grin

"Sorry, can you check my bank balance, i think you haven't checked that" I said pointing to the screen

"First name?" He said

"Y/n" I said

"Last name" He said

"L/n, and I think you know the name because it's been around... a lot" I said, he typed it it and his face was shocked

"Sorry miss!!" He said

"Now I have my blue print" I said while talking something out of a bag I was holding

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