Chapter 35: dorm time, bitches

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Hey muffins, I hope you enjoy this chapter, epic chapter cos it's cute 🥰

As the day went by just waiting at home all by myself lying on the couch we got a knock at the door, Grace ran to the door while I was just lying on the couch, then Mr Aizawa came in

"May I come in?" Aizawa said

"Sure!" Grace said, he walked into the lounge room and sat in one off the chairs, he had his hair in a bun

"Hello Y/n, I am here to talk to both of you about the dorms" Aizawa said

"Ok, I'm also sorry for what I did during the fight..." I said

"No, you where brave, you could have saved all mights life" Aizawa said

"Oh, I still have the quirks, what should I do with them?" I asked

"Well when you see Ragdoll you should give her quirk back" Aizawa said

"Ok" I said

"So what are you going to talk about?" Grace said

"Well we are going to talk about what the dorm rules would be and if she is aloud to go or not" Aizawa said

"She is aloud, but am I able to have her come home for some days?" Grace said

"Most likely not, we are under strict conditions with how our students will leave the dorm rooms, in all possibilities Y/n is probably the most powerful one out of the class and she was a main target, so no she will not be able to go home" Aizawa said

"Oh and Y/n what would you like to say about your work in class?" Grace said

"Oh, well Mr Aizawa, I think I need harder work, if it's possible" I said

"Yes it is, I have seen your work and how much you Already know about all the hero work math English and all the other subjects, so grace am I allowed to put Y/n up in year 2 in hero studies?" Mr Aizawa said

"Yes you may, and is Y/n able to bring Casper, so she won't get lonely in her room?" Grace said winking at me, she knows that Casper can speak to anyone if he wanted too but no one else does expect grace and myself

"Ok, Y/n face time me when I'm cooking!" Grace said, Aizawa laughed

"Well thank you for this, You get to decorate your dorm room how you want to" Aizawa said and left

2 days later

On the interviewees campus from the main school they built a student Dormitory, 1-As alliance built in just three days, this was my no- our new home

" given everything that has happened, I'm glad we were able to bring class a back together" Mr Aizawa said

"So we all got the go to move onto campus" Sero said

"*sigh* it took a lot of convincing for my parents" Toru said

" I was pretty concerned about mine" jiro said

"It makes sense you got the worst of the gas attack" Ojiro said

"Where glad to see that the teachers got to come back to, I was afraid you wouldn't be aloud, the people at the press conferencing where pretty upset with you guys" Tsysu said

"I was surprised as well,But circumstances have changed, I suspect it was easy for administration teachers return instead of revamping entire faculty, now then I will explain how your dorm assignments will work out shortly, first however, we haven't forgotten about the provisional hero licenses you where supposed to get during the training camp" Mr Aizawa said

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