Chapter 47:

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Enjoy 😉 ⬆️ it has to be his dad though

I had to stay overnight at the hospital, but I didn't want that, so I snuck out and flew to the beach where Nathaniel lives, I was in the sand

" cut..." I said, it would sting if it was in water or probably make it worse since it's salt, so I changed the cut into a a normal patch of s/c, walked into the ocean, and added gills and mermaid tail, I went under the water, the water now was freezing, but I got used to it, I swam down to the fortress and found Nathaniel sitting on the middle throne

"Y/n!!, you back!!" Nathaniel said in glee, he had a crown on the had blue and red diamonds with a golden base

"Hey, how are you?" I asked

"Very bored, but how found something's that helped me, and will help you..." Nathaniel said

"Help me with my quirk?" I asked

"Maybe, but It needs your blood..." Nathaniel said, he swam behind the throne and pulled out a big metal black box with a hand print on it

"Wait, how do you know it has to do with me?, and how old it that thing!!" I said

"It says on the side it needs a blood power users blood for it to open, and I found a sleeping mermaid!, so she kept me company while you where up there!" He said pointing to the roof, I rubbed my eyes due to tiredness

"Oh, what's her name?" I asked

"Her name is Salacia, she's nice she's one year younger then me!" Nathaniel said

"Nice, so what do i do with the box thing?" I asked

"Uhh, you cut yourself somewhere and put it in the hand print and put your hand in it" Nathaniel said, then a girl who was short came out of a room, her hair was white and her eyes Where green, her tail was green and gold

"Oh hello" I said waving to her

"Hello, you must be Y/n?" She said

"I am, and you must be salacia?" I said

"I'm am indeed" she said

"Y/n, can we do it now I want to see what it is!!" Nathaniel said

"Ok, where would a knife be?" I asked looking around

"Oh here, I keep a knife on me incase a shark comes in" Salacia said And handed me a white knife that had engravings of a shark and a mermaid

"Thanks" I said I took the knife and cut my right arm, I put the blood into the hand print and then put my hand there as well, then it opened slowly, you could see there was a purple cushion and it had two things on it, a tiny pole around 1ocm long and a egg the size of a football, I picked up the pole and it was shining and it went silver with vibrant red looking cracks

"Uhm, well this is cool" I said and then the pole extended, and it turned into a scythe

"Ooh, what's the egg?" Nathaniel said

"I think it will be fine above the water, Y/n you need some rest by the looks of it, take the scythe and the egg with you, since they are now your responsibility" Salacia said

"*yawn* thanks I will do that, Nathaniel, dream call me" I said, I picked up the egg and it done nothing, the scythe went back down to 10Cm, I swam out of the fortress and went above water, everything went back to normal, I had a good look at the egg and it was f/c with s/f/c and some gold on it, I added wings and flew to the dorm rooms, I entered throw my balcony only to find a sleeping Denki on my bed

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