Chapter 10: blood

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Hey, ik that toga and Dabi got introduced in like the 2 season but too bad, this is my book and your reading it

"Hey Y/n, I'm up early for a first!" Grace said

"Well it's not your first time being up this early" I said

"I know, I was just saying it's pretty rare" grace said

"Than why are you up so early?" I asked

"Well we have a meeting with pro hero Endeavour... and the last person who was late got fired on the spot" grace said

"Oh ok, don't get fired" I said

"I hopefully won't" grace said going out the door

"*sigh* I'm alone until school starts..." I said

"Mewww?" Casper meowed

"Ok I will give you a treat for being the class pet" I said taking out a car bed 4 times the size of Casper

"So this will be your desk a-" I said, I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could and put my head into the toilet bowl, I vomited up breakfast and blood

"I'll be fine" I said

At school

"Y/n we need to talk" Mr Aizawa said, I walked up to him with casper in a cat cage

"Ok" I said plainly we walked behind the school

"You have blood dripping from your mouth are you ok?" He asked, I wiped my mouth with my fist and had a look at my rist which had blood on it

"No, I vomited up blood at home" I said

"We need to go to recovery girl" he said walking back into the school wanting me to follow him

"But sir the bell will go soon" I said

"My students health is more important than their education" he said

"Well some people need an education to help them proceed in life" I said

"This is why I care for you, your honest, but you can be a little bit annoying at points with all the smart come backs" he said

"Well I got it from my fath..." I said, I don't want to remember

"Who was your father Y/n?" He asked

"Didn't you do background checks on me?" I asked

"Yes we did but we didn't go that far, we know that they both got taken" he said

"Well my father was the number 5 pro hero, blood hero, bloodcell" I said

"He became a workaholic and abandoned his first daughter" he said

"But I'm not abandoned" I said

"He didn't tell you?" He asked

"Tell me what?" I asked

"You weren't the only kid they had" he said, suddenly everything went black


"Come on Y/n you got this, walk to me!!" A girls voice, I fell over while trying to walk

"I gotcha, don't worry!" She said

"AHHHH" we heard mother screaming

"Hey, look at me, we will get away from this one day, you hear me, I know you to young to understand but we will go to far away place and live happily ever after" she said I nodded with a tear running down my face

"I will take you with me" she said

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, GET TO YOUR ROOM ****!!" Father said as he grabbed my arm

"Leave her alone!" She said

"SHUT UP!!" He grabbed a knife from his pocket and cut my face, I screamed, the other girls eyes emitted a golden glow

"I said, LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!" She yelled as she ran at father with a kitchen knife

"FUCK OFF YOU BRAT!" He yelled dropping me, he tried to stop the other girl but she stabbed him in the arm aiming for the throat but he put his arm there, he used his quirk on her, a lot of blood was around, she was fainted, I was crying with blood coming from my face

"You don't belong here you bitch" he said while picking up the girl

"H-hunny w-what are you doing with t-to—" mother started saying but then she looked into the room and saw me, she started crying but she was looking around to find the other girl, she found her in fathers arms

"What are you going to do with my baby!" She yelled

"We don't need her!" He yelled back, I got mad, I started screaming and then, my quirk activated, everything on my body changed and blood spun around me, but I was to late

Flashback ends

"What the hell happened, Shota!" Recovery girl said

"Well she passed out" he said

"What happened" I said sitting up

"We don't really know but you passed out before" Mr Aizawa said

"I'm going to try and find out what's wrong with your deary, and Mr Aizawa here told me all about what happened at home ok" she said

"Ok, has the bell gone?" I asked

"One hour ago it did" he said, I yawned

"One hour ago and you didn't think I could have had a seizure?!" I said

"Well Y/n you ok now, but..." recovery girl said looking at her computer

"But what?" I said

"You have hanaharki, it's a very rare disease and the only ways to get rid of it are to be with the one you love or have surgery to forget that person..." Recovery girl said, Mr Aizawa just cried

"Why are you crying Mr Aizawa?" I asked him

"One of my old friends had it but he passed away from it" he said

"What does it do?" I asked

"You will begin to vomit up blood and petals, but when you get too stage 2 you start vomiting up dandelions and blood, stage 3 roses and blood, and stage 4 you vomit up the color of your desired person on a very unique flower, the flower is a flower that you made, no one else would have any flower like it, and you will slowly suffocate yourself, that's why people with it when the get to stage 4 people take those flowers and sell them on the black market" Recovery girl said

"But, I don't want to die..." I said

HAha the last sentence is a meme but it's really emotional

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