Chapter 27: back at school

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The last few days I've been at home, joke couldn't really teach me anything new so I told her that I finished my work study,Casper and myself have been making new tricks, now he can shake a paw like a dog could, Grace has been busy with work and I've been making dinner for her when she gets home, but today we get to go back to school, I was already up and ready to go, I got Casper in the pet carrier and we walked to school, I put my stuff in my locker and continued to carry Casper upstairs and then we walked into the class room making sure no one would notice me I snuck around the big group of people

"BWHAHAHA!!" Kiri and Sero laughed at Bakugou flat hair

"Holy crap what the heck Bakugou!" Kiri and Sero said in sync

"Stop laughing, my hair has gotten used to this, I can't get it back to normal, I'll kill you both!" Bakugou said

"I'd like to see you try pretty boi!" Sero said

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!!" Bakugou yelled and his hair went back to normal

"awesome you got to face actual villains, I'm super jello!" Mina said to jiro

"Well I didn't fight all I did was help people evacuate" jiro said

"But it sounds like so much fun" Mina said

"All I did was clean the ship, but there was this one time that we caught drug smugglers" Tsysu said

"Ok that's awesome" jiro and Mina said, I took out my drawing book, It now had 2 realistic drawings of Casper and some bloody flowers

"What about you Ochako?" Tsysu asked

"I'd say it was very inlighting" Urakaka said punching thin air

"I think she found her fighting's spirt" Tsysu said

"Yea, that battle field must have been something else" jiro said

"After one week she's like a totally different person" Denki said

"Different, don't be fooled Kaminari, all women are demons at heart  they just hide their true personality's behind pretty faces" Mineta said

"What the heck did Mount lady do to you, everyone at my internship loved me it was actually kinda great, now if you want to talk about the ones that really changed it was those 4" Denki said

"Oh yea, the hero killer" sero said being lifted up by Bakugous arm

"I'm glad you guys made it back alive, seriously" Kiri said also getting picked up by Bakugou

"I worried about you too" momo said

" Endeavour saved you right, what's I'd expect from the number 2 hero!" Urakaka said

"Yea he saved us" Todoroki said

"Did you guys hear the news, some how he was connected to the league of villains can you imagine how frightening it would've been if that creep was there when they attacked the USJ" Ojiro said

"He scary Yea, but did you see him in that weird video, it's all over the internet" Denki said

"I didn't even know there was a video of him" Ojiro said

"I didn't even know there was a video of him, stains a pretty evil villain but like super tenacious he's almost kinda cool, don't yah guys think?" Denki said

"Kaminari!!" Izuku said

"Oh, sorry!" Denki said

"No, it's fin, it is true that he was quite a Tenacious villain, i understand that people would think he was cool, but instead of helping the world his beliefs lead him to cold blooded murder, no matter his motives, killing cannot be condoned, I strive to be the perfect hero" Ilda said

"Yea let's do it!" Izuku said

"It's time for class to begin, everyone please take your seats!" Ilda said

20 minutes later

We were in our hero outfits, and in a place that looked like a city of factory's

"I am here, hope your ready to return to our lesson, today is hero basic training, I haven't seen you in a while welcome back, now then listen carefully for what's in store, we're going to be conducting a race, take everything you've learned from your internships and imply it into this rescue training" All might said

"If it's rescue training, then shouldn't we be at the USJ instead?" iida said

"Ah but that facility specialises in disasters, as I said earlier this is a race, so prepare, your about to step into feild Gama, it's insides has everything a factory would have so it's like a maze, so have good luck finding your way around you will be competing group of 5s, each person starts at a different location on the out skirts of the factory city, I will send a distress signal, and you do what you must to rescue me, whoever finds me first is the winner, but try to keep the property damage to a bear minimum, please" All might said pointing at Bakugo

"Why are you pointing at me?" Bakugou said

"All right, Y/n you won't be in this because you can fly and it would be unfair and we need one person out anyways, now first group get to your place's!" All might said and then everyone got into their places I just took out the drawing book from my backpack, it continued bandages, paper bags, and water bottles, everyone was betting on who was going to win, i was just drawing the landscape

4 hours later

We were getting changed, and the I sensed it and I also heard Mineta talking about us girls and I'm guessing so did jiro

"Fuck, jiro, perve alert!" I said looking at the hole

"Got it!" She said putting her earphones through the hole

"despicable, we'll close up this hole immediately!" Momo said

Sorry this is a short chapter

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