Chapter 3: the letter

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Hola, and goodbye, enjoy this ep, you can play the music when you want to
(Edited on the 6/4/22)
1 week later

Today was a cold day, I got up from bed, put on grey tracksuit pants with a comfy light grey jumper

"Good morning" I said while petting a kitten

"Wait, I don't know you!" I said talking to the kitten

"Mew" it meowed in the cutest way

"God I must sound crazy talking to a cat..." I said to myself

"Grace!" I yelled to grace know that she was already downstairs

"What?!" She yelled back

"Come here!" I yelled back she came upstairs and walked into my room

"Whatcha need?" She asked

"What is this...thing doing in my room?" I asked

"It's yah pet, take care of it, I got it for yah as a present" she said

"But why?" I asked

"Well, I wanted you to have a cat and keep it alive, please" she said getting onto her knees

"I'm sorry about your 12 dead fish, they were bullying the water snails" I said

"That- never mind, just please keep him alive!" She said she said with a snicker at the end

"Ok, does he have a name?" I asked

"Yes, his name is Casper, you know like the ghost, cos he is white, but not gonna lie look at his ears they so cute and fluffy" she said

"It's a ragdoll cat" I said

"How do you know?" She asked

"I read 3 books on cat breeds and how to take care of them" I said

"When?" She asked

"2 years ago, I think, I was bored so I decided to read it" I said

"How the hell do you memorise everything" she said

"I just remember things, like you put your keys in the bathroom yesterday when you where throwing up" I said

"Oh thanks, I had to much alcohol" she said, She started full out laughing

"Yes and the smell is still on you, go have a shower, I will go check the mail" I said, I started to walk towards my bedroom door

"You are so unique Y/n, and that's the best thing about you" she said while walking of to the bathroom

"Ok Casper do you wanna come with me?" I asked the kitten, it jumped down from my bed and done the figure 8 around my legs

"Ok follow me" I said, I walked downstairs and put on my shoes, I walked to the door and opened it and walked out side, a breeze of cold air made my hair go behind me

"Casper stay inside!" I said, He didn't listen and walked out with me, I opened the mail box and found 5 letters

"One for grace, two for grace, junk mail for trash, four for Y/n and five for grace" I said out loud Turing around and walking back inside

"Come on Casper, I don't want you to die on your first day!"I said

"Meow?" It tilted its head while walking inside

"Good boy" I said while closing the door, I heard the sound of a shower on so I knew grace was in the shower, I looked over the letters again

"Wait, there's one for me?" I said to myself, I walked to my bedroom and went to my desk and sat down

"Do I open it now and not wait for grace or wait for grace" I asked myself having a memory for 2 weeks ago

"Y/n you are going to have to do thing on your own without me, so start now!" She said

"Ok I'm gonna open it myself" I said while opening it, a weird disk thing fell out, and all might appeared

"Hello young Y/n, with great powers comes, a lot of paperwork!" He said

"Yea, I know" I said

"You have made it into U.A high school, congratulations, you will be in class 1.A with Eraserhead as your teacher, oops sorry I should have let you wait" he said

"All good, bye all might" I said

"Bye Y/n, oh your quirk is amazing By the way" he said while the hologram started to disappear

"It's not that good, is it?" I said to myself, I heard the shower turn of, so I just stayed in my room and continued drawing grace, I was working on the shading of the face

"Meoww!" The kitten jumped up onto my desk and just laid there on my closed books

"Y/n can you get me a towel!" She yelled

"There is one under the sink!" I yelled back

"Thanks!" She yelled

Few mins later

"Hey grace, I got accepted into U.A just saying" I said

"Cool, congratulations!! I'm very proud of you but I have to do some paperwork right now... it's hell..." she said while putting her head on the desk

"Would I be allowed to go to the mall to get some things for school, like writing utensils and books and school uniforms?" I asked, I sat next to grace while she still had her head on the pile of paperwork

"Sure, just go into my purse and take out my card, get anything you need" grace said

Yes short ep who cares it's just short, short people are cute same with tall and medium EVERYONE is cute

Nya~ brought to you by Casper


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