Chapter 31: training camp (still day one and two)

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"Hey so who wants top bunk!" Mina said, our room was A decent size there were six bunkbeds, a sink and a bathroom, the walls where white with flowers drawn on them

"I will share with you mina" I said

"Ok, you can take the top bunk" she said, I through my bag up there, Casper was still on my shoulder and he licked my face

"Casper no!" I said shooing him away, he jumped of my shoulder and got into my bed and fell asleep, then I smelt it, it smelt like a rich and sweet smell

"Do you guys smell that *ribbit* Tsysu said, Urakaka was literally floating to the smell

"Let's go eat!" Jiro said, we all walked out and went into the big building, it had a very long table with all this food on it, then I spotted F/m

"You guys can sit there I will be sitting right here!" I said sitting infront of F/m, then everyone else came in, they all sat down Immediately

"Thank you for this meal!" Everyone said, and then dug in, the whole table was filed with all different types of food, I got some of F/m and got some rice and some salad with fried pork

"*gasp!* hey wait you got meat over there!!" Kiri said

"Yea, jeez it's like you guys haven't eaten in a week or something, anyway today's the only day we will be doing this for you, better make sure you kids enjoy it" the blue cat girl said

"Thank you!" Kiri and Denki said

"Hey Kota can you bring me those vegetables!" The red cat girl asked, I got up from my seat I walked over to Kota

"How's your day been?" I asked him

"Fine!" He said

"I understand how you feel" I said

"How, my parents died protecting others that they didn't even know!" He said

"My parents got taken away from me when I was 5, and the last thing I said to them that they weren't even good parents" I said

"But why be a hero?" He asked

"Because, who others have a life to make as well" I said, I took the vegetable box and went to the kitchen

"Here you go" I said putting the box on the bench

"Oh thank you, but you really shouldn't have" I said

"I'm sorry but it's what I do" I said

"Oh, ok, are you able to tell the others that there is a hot spring just out the back, you all should go there" the red one said

"Ok, thank you ma'am for making dinner" I said, I walked out to the table

"Hors spring after dinner, it's out the back, everyone should go" I said, I then walked out of the room to where the locker rooms were

"Y/n have you finished eating?" Mina said

"Yea, I'm hoping in first because I want to have a good nights sleep" I said taking of my clothes

"I will join you then, I've finished my dinner as well!" Mina said jumping up

5 minutes later

"It's feels amazing!" Mina said, the hot springs had big rocks In The water and Mina was sitting on one, I was half way underwater, the steam would rise so slowly, I sometimes would just blow the steam to move it

"In so glad they have a hot springs here!" Momo said

"Same it's so relaxing *ribbit*" Tsysu said

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