Chapter 20: the festival part 4

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Yes I stay up most nights making these but who gives a fuck, enjoy

"I came here as fast as I could!" I said to Mina

"Look Uraraka has got all those rocks in the air!" Mina said to me

"That's still not enough!" I said

"What do you mean that's plenty!" Mina said

"No did you forget that Bakugou can make explosions huge and he could take that down in one boom!" I said

"Oh, true, should we get recovery girl?" Mina said

"Can you get her I can tell this is going to be bad" I said

"Ok make sure she's ok!" Mina said

"Release!" Uraraka let go of all the rock up in the sky, Bakugou made a huge explosion and Uraraka was shocked, he ran up to Uraraka and exploded her out of the square, I jumped of the side and flew over to Uraraka

"You did good" I said to the unconscious girl, i picked her up and took her over to where recovery girl was

"can you take her to the room please" RG said

"Sure" I said walking to recovery girls office with her in my arms

"Y-Y/n?" Ura asked

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked

"I f-fell like I got h-hit by a bus!" She said

"Well your almost right" I said

"Hello deary, thank you Y/n for bringing her here" RG said

"It's not a problem!" I said

"Y/n, Izuku and todoroki are going to fight next!" Ura said

"Yea I know, and that means I'm going to have to leave you soon" I said

"Oh ok, try to not kill Ilda" she said

"I can't promise" I said walking off too the r room were I was meant to wait and stay

"Hello Ilda!" I said

"Hello Y/n" he said

"How are you feeling?" I asked

"Good" he said

I took out my phone from my pocket and texted grace

Y- hey grace, I'm in the last round, I'm fight in one of my friends so talk to you soon!

G- good luck, I hope you win!

I looked at the screen on the wall and saw Izuku yell something at todoroki and then he bursted into flames and they both went to punch each other but cementoss stop them kinda and Izuku was thrown out of the square

"Poor Izuku" I said

"And whoever wins this will have to fight Todoroki" Ilda said

"Try your best Ilda" I said

"Same goes to you Y/n" Ilda said

"So are will we still friends, or will you be mad at me?" I asked

"Why would I be mad at you?" Ilda said

"Because I'm going to win this" I said

"I'd rather have Y/n back please Bakugou?" He said to me

"Pfft, good one" I said

"Thanks" he said

"So how long are we going to be here?" I said

"Until they fix it" he said

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