Chapter 6: the arcade oppsie

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Hey, thanks for checking in I'm still a piece of garbage

"Hey grace, can I go out with some classmates?" I asked

"Yea, sure, do you want me to pick what your wearing?" She said

"Yea sure, we're just going to the arcade, not that much of a big deal" I said

"Ok, hope you like what your gonna wear"
She said

5 mins later 5:30

"Ok here's what I got for you" she said while laying a pile of clothes in my bed

"Thanks" I said

2 mins later 5:32

"Uhh, thanks I guess?" I said to grace, the clothes i had on were a black neck shirt with a white denim jacket with light blue jeans and cute black boots

"Yea no problem squirt!" Said grace

"Sorry to be a bother grace but can you do my makeup..." I said

"You want makeup on" she said

"Yea.." I said

"Who's the lucky boy?" Grace said

"You know that friend I had for a day then I moved and then somehow we meet again" I said

"Oh ok" she said while taking out the makeup box

5 mins later

My eye shadow was black with a touch of f/c to it and my lipstick was light-ish red, my hair I decided to go with F/c tips and put it up in a bun

"Im going to watch the news ok" I said

"Ok" she said

I walked to the lounge room, it had light cream walls with a 3 seater brown couch and two leather black chairs, there was a coffee table right in front of the TV with paperwork and candles on it, I turned the TV on and went to the news channel, I almost sat on Casper who was asleep on the three seated couch, but then he woke up as I sat down beside him, he got up and curled into a ball on my lap

"New villain! His quirk: unknown so far, villain name: hang. And he has made people hang from trees or in buildings!" The new reporter said

"Grace! You need to watch this!" I yelled

"Coming, what is it?" She asked

"New villain, might need pro hero's help" I said while checking the time


"Grace can you drop me off at this arcade?" I asked while showing her a picture

"Sure, let's go" she said walking to the front door

"Bye Casper" I said while picking him up off of me and sitting him were he was a sleeping before I walked to the door and looked bake at Casper yawning and stretching

"Coming?" Grace said while opening the car door

"Yea" I said

10 mins late 5:53

"Ok, so you have 50 dollars to spend here, don't lose it" grace said while stoping the car Infront of the arcade

"Uhm grace don't you think that's a little to-

"Little yea, I will send another 50 over on your credit card" she said while cutting me of and driving off

"I was gonna say a little to much..." I said looking around to find the others

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