Chapter 22: police work

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Id like to thank all of you who have supported me in this, even thought there is not many of you thank you, it means a lot, now enjoy with this chapter, play music whenever you want to

"Oh, hi Y/n!" Grace said

"Hey Grace" I said

"So what place did you come, all I know is that you made it into the final test!" Grace said

"Oh, I just came second no big deal" I said

"I'm sor- WAIT YOU CAME SECOND!?!?" Grace said

"Yea" I said

"THAT IS VERY MUCH A BIG DEAL!!" Grace said running around the house

"Uhm really?" I said

"I NEED TO WATCH THIS!!" She said running to get her laptop

"Uhm ok" I said

"What was the boy who you fought in the finals?" Grace said

"Oh Bakugou" I said

"Let's type up 'Y/n Vs Bakugou" she said while typing it in

"Just type up the finals " I said

"Found it- woah there is a lot of the videos!" She said

"Wait really?" I said

"Oh this one has 5 million views!!" Grace said

"W-what?!" I said, grace suddenly hit my back hard trying to pat my back

"O-ow..." I said, Grace lifted up my shirt and saw the big scar

"How the hell did that happen!!??" she said

"Oh, that was from Bakugou!" I said

"That stupid bitch!" She yelled

"You should have seen him, he got a hole in his leg now" I said

"What!!" She said

"Just watch the video" I said

"Ok, you can go because you were in the fight" Grace said

"Ok have fun" I said, I walked upstairs to the bathroom I had a shower and then I dried myself and blowdryed my hair, I got into my blue silk Pjs and hopped into bed and fell asleep

The next day

As I woke up a sensed something staring at me, I got up as fast as I could and just saw Casper on the corner of my bed

"hey Casper, how are you, oops I forgot to feed you, come on let's go feed you" I said getting out of bed and picking Casper up, I walked downstairs with Casper in my arms

"Hey grace *yawn* what are you doing?" I said

"Well since today is the weekend, we both have to work, so I've made both of us pancakes!!" She said moving out of the way, there was very clumpy pancakes and you could still see the yolk from an egg

"I'm not eating that, you can't even cook" I said

"I know... but I got better then last time!" She said


I could smell smoke coming from downstairs, I ran as fast as I could and saw the fire on the stove, I got the fire extinguisher and sprayed the fire

"What the hell grace!!" I yelled, she woke up

"Huh?" She said confused

"You could have killed us both!!" I said

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