Chapter 41: the LOV

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TwT I have nothing to say except enjoy and that this is a short chapter

It was still the same day i fought Mirio

"Casper, I'm going to tell Aizawa now, so just be good and I trust you to not leave the dorm rooms ok!" I said

"Yea, I won't leave, I swear" Casper said

"Thank you!" I said, I left my dorm room and went downstairs and found Aizawa on the couch

"Aizawa we need to speak, alone" I said

"Sure" he said, we walked into an empty room

"What do you need Y/n?" Aizawa said

"I'm going to join the LOV, to get information about what they will do and if we have a UA traitor, so you can't tell anyone about me ok!" I said

"Y/n as your teacher I will not allow this..." Aizawa said

"What do you mean!" I said

"But as an friend I will, but you will have to change you appearance when you 'fight' if you will" Aizawa said

"Yes!, thank you!, I will not let you down!!!" I said and I ran out of the room and went to find Denki, then I found him in the kitchen eating pocky, I ran up to him and bit the one that was half way in his mouth, and it snapped and I ate it

"Heyy" I said

"Hey, and why did you do that to my pocky!!" Denki said

"I'm hungry, that's why" I said

"Oh here, what flavour pocky do you want, I have chocolate, chocolate banana and cookies and cream" he said holding three packs of pocky

"I will have cookies and cream!" I said and grabbed it

"You do seem like that type of person" he said

"What do you mean!" I said

"Well there is your cookie side which is all kind and sweat and then your cream side which is all bold and strongly committed to something" Denki said

"What's with you and big words?" I said

"Your rubbing of on me" Denki said

2 hours later

It was dark time, I left the dorms and was walking away from UA, i herd a scream, but it was faint, so I ran to where I thought the scream was coming from, then I saw dabi with a older female, she was burnt

"Hello, dabi" I said, the lady looked relieved

"Well I guess you can save her if you wan-" he was cut of by me make her blood go everywhere

"Well i would like to join the LOV, I have released something that most hero's wouldn't" I said, dabi was just in shock that I 'killed' someone

"Well Uhh we would need shigis permission first" he said

"Good, and I also want to thank you and toga for trying to capture me at the camp, it was a nice performance" I said

"Ok, portal now please" dabi said and a purple portal showed up and he walked inside first and I gave the lady's blood back and she was fine and then I walked in

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