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The car ride had started out with shouting, yelling, and absolute chaos as the two teams where forcibly split in to two cars. 

The Lee team was handling the situation decently enough, they weren't that concerned as they had Sang with them and could easily focus on her to calm themselves down. 

However, that could not be said for the two Blackbourne team members in the car, both of which were freaking out. The had been decently calm until the call came in from the car that had once been behind them and now was driving insanely on the other side of the median with three move cars and a motorcycle chasing it. 

"I don't care Owen! She's lost her damn mind!" Sean screams, his eyes, which had been calm and kind to all of the Lee team, where now a churning storm of pure fury. 

"Don't yell at me Sean! She's fully capable of handling the situation, out of everyone here she knows how they function the best." Owen's tone was short and calculated, not necessarily angry, though it had a cold fury behind it. 

Sean smacks the dash of the car, his eyes suddenly filing with tears, "That's besides the point! She's already high risk, Owen, if she... If she does things the way she normally does and we're not there to help it's going to be a disaster. And we wont be there, which means that she'll be by herself." 

Silence ensures for a few moments, Owen not once taking his eyes off the road, "We have to have confidence in her that she will take her safety seriously. And if she doesn't then we have to have confidence that the remaining Lee team members will be there to protect her." 

Sean shakes his head, looking behind them once again to find that no one was following them, "I don't trust the remaining members to protect her, especially with how wild she can get when she thinks she's protecting someone in her position." 

Owen hums, "Sean, she knows that she'll be in trouble for the stunt she pulled back there. But I guarantee you that she will do anything in her power to make sure that nothing happens to herself of the other team in that car. At this point it doesn't matter if we truly trust the Lee team with her safety or not. Because whether we like it or whether we don't, she had decided to bring them into our inner circle." 

"Not the point Owen! The point it, she's too reckless to be left in the hands of a bunch of unknown brutes with the expectation that they'll protect her!" 

"Sean, do you remember last summer? When she got called on the Albanian Mob assignment in Northern Egypt?" 

Sean cuts his eyes to Owen, who glances at him in his peripheral, Dakota, Sang, Luke, and Silas all listen on with rapt attention, never once taking their eyes off of the two in the front seat. 

While they all wanted to defend their team's honor and promise that North and Nathan would protect her with their lives, Victor and Gabriel as well if need be, the scene in front of them seemed more intimate than just brothers consoling each other.

"Of course I do, that was the day I was pretty sure I would die." 

Owen hums again, reaching across the console and grabbing Sean's hand in his, "She sobbed for three hours you know? When it came back that you had been kidnapped? She almost killed Dr. Roberts, put a gun to his head and nearly pulled the trigger had I not gotten there fast enough. The second she saw me, she just broke. I hadn't seen her cry that much since the time that we both offered to marry her to save her. She was so scared Sean, absolutely petrified." 

"That's not what it looked like when she blew the building to smithereens after propelling herself out of the ceiling rafters and going on a thirty-minute your all going to slowly die rant." 

Owen smiles faintly, "No, that's not what it looked like at all. I had to pee, and she had passed out from crying. I was gone for less that two minutes, and by the time that I got back the only thing left in her place on the bed was little note that said I'm Sorry."

"Why didn't I know about this?" Sean asks, blinking at Owen in shock. He had been told a variation of this story, that included both Owen and Olympia coming to his rescue. 

"Because she made me promise not to tell you, because she was so scared you'd hate her for breaking the rules."

"She left?"

"No, she went rouge. I immediately took the note to Roberts, who called the Tomas. Raven got in contact with their family, their father said that he has the private chopper pick her up fifteen minutes after she left our room. He refused to tell us where she was going, but it was obvious enough. Sadly our flight got delayed, something about the airport being on lockdown, which again Olympia set up with her father." 

"Wait, so Olympia went rouge because Sean got kidnapped by the Albanian mob, and then blocked you all from coming to Egypt?" Sang asks quietly, making Owen nod his head slowly. 

"Yes, Sean got kidnapped because Olympia had a hand in getting the bosses son arrested by the United States Feds, they had someone in their ranks who was able to identify her and because she is practically untouchable they went after the next best thing, her husband."

"Oh God, she must have felt so bad!" Sang whispers in horror, imagining how she would feel if one of the boys got kidnapped because one of her missions. 

"Anyways, Sean, she ended up breaking into the facility and killing each man one by one. At that point, from my understanding of the events, the only reason that she managed to make it to you was because she was coming specifically to you, she was saving you whether she got killed in the process of not."

Sean cut Owen off, "Why are you telling me this and what does it have to do with the situation?" 

"Because I'm trying to explain to you that she is doing this to protect us, not just Sang. She's not putting herself in danger for Sang only, she's putting herself in danger because she is absolutely terrified that something is going to happen to us and it'll be her fault." 

"But she's pregnant, Owen." 

"Which is why she's going to be a lot more careful than normal. Because whether she admits it or not, she loves the twins, and she's terrified that something will happen to them as well." 

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