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The two teams sit spread out in the Blackbourne mansion, all eleven of them comfortable to some degree. Well, only Olympia was comfortable, the rest were in the middle of discussing something important, and tense if Owen's fingers squeezing her thigh meant anything. 

She sat cuddled into Owen's chest, one of the Russian desserts Sean had spent hours trying to find on a plate in her hand, along with two pickles. And she had decaf coffee on the table in front of them. 

Beside her, on the arm of the armchair, she and Owen sat cuddled on, Sean was perched, one leg crossed over the other and his head leaning onto his hand. 

Both Olympia and Sean knew to stay silent and let Owen handle situations that involved other teams. Neither one of them wanted to give their opinion on something unless they felt extremely passionate about something. For Sean, he was passionate about no one getting hurt. For Olympia, she was passionate about people getting hurt, specifically people she hurt, because they hurt people she liked or loved, or they hurt innocents. It was a lovely combination. One that Owen balanced perfectly. 

"Unfortunately, at this time we can't help you." Owen's words were final, making the already tense figures on the other side of the table tense even more. 

One of the men, North, if Olympia remembered correctly, stood up with a shout, a foreign language which she didn't feel like identifying falling off of his lips in angry yelling. Another, the largest, was quick to shuffle the cutsey little blonde, Sang, off of his lap and into the lap of one of his brothers as he began softly speaking the same language. 

Olympia and Sang make eye contact, Sang's filling with tears and terror, and Olympia's filled with a burning curiosity. 

The men around them fell away as they continued watching the other, the conversation with mere eye contact conspiring within seconds. Sang was desperate, they had nowhere else to go, no one could help them with this, and they were her family's last chance. 

Olympia wanted to know why it was so imperative, they were all trained on situations like this, they knew how to go into hiding, why did Sang's team need her's specifically. 

Sang's eye's cut over to Sean, who now was trying to play the peacemaker between Owen and North, both of which were being particularly hostile. Sean was the key reason they needed the team, they needed him because he was a doctor, and when they went into hiding for an undisclosed amount of time, they had to have a doctor available. 

Turning her head, Olympia raises her brow, why was a doctor so important? Much less her doctor? There were other doctors, even ones without teams, that they could try bringing into their group. 

With uncertainty, Sang's hand flutter's down to rest over her stomach, which had looked completely flat until she pressed the loose fabric of her shit against it, showing a barely noticeable bulge under her hand.

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