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Gunfire pops off repeatedly, the sound of orders being barked, shouts and screams from civilians dancing around the parking lot, and screeching tires as two cars race out of the diner parking lot with three cars trailing them interpret the mostly peaceful breakfast. 

The two teams had been hastily divided, somehow Sang, Owen, Sean, Silas, Dakota, and Luke had ended up in the car in the front, being driven by Owen. 

In the car directly behind the first car sat North, who was the driver, Olympia who rode in the back middle, Gabriel, Nathan, and Victor. Nathan rode in the passenger seat while Gabriel and Victor sat on either side of Olympia. 

"For fucks sake, this is what I mean!" Olympia waves her arms around angrily while twisting to watch the three cars out the back glass, North shouting at her to sit her ass down in the process, "I want one thing, one fucking thing, pancakes with little pieces of beans in them, and these cocksuckers have to interrupt me."

"I swear to God if you don't sit down right the fuck now I'm going to show you how German's punish a woman for not listening!" North barks, practically foaming at the mouth as he jumps two lanes over in a desperate attempt to keep up with Owen and lose the still shooting tails. 

"German's are pussies when compared to Russian men, you don't scare me your teddy bear." Olympia stumbles over some of her words, sliding into Gabriel's lap, who continues mumbling profanities under his breath. 

Bile quickly rises up her throat as her hand comes in contact with a warm squishy shirt. Glancing down onto Gabriel's shoulder, which she was still holding onto, the sight of red on his orange shirt has her quickly glancing back up into his pained sea-colored eyes. 

"Artsy is bleeding," She blurts out, grabbing his injured arm and pulling the material away from it. Besides jerking back slightly from the pain, he doesn't say or do anything else, simply continues watching Olympia with an odd glint in his eyes, "Sean is so going to murder someone." 

"How bad is he bleeding?" 

"Gunshot wound?"

"Da, the bullet didn't come out. I will have to remove it." 

"No!" The four men in the car all blurt out, Gabriel wincing as he strains his voice slightly. 

"You know I have medical training, right? I was taught in KGB how to kill a man with a spoon in five-hundred different ways. And I was taught in KGB how to fix a man with a spoon in five-hundred different ways. Silly Americans." Olympia scoffs poking the gunshot wound and sticking her nose closer to it for a better look.

"I don't know what's worse, the fact that you could literally kill someone so many times with a spoon, or the fact that you think a mafia, the mafia, teaching you medical skills qualifies you to basically perform surgery." Victor mumbles, grabbing Olympia by the hips and moving her out of Gabriel's lap. 

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