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"Honestly, what did you expect?" Sean asks, watching as Olympia and Sang flutter around the kitchen putting together some kind of breakfast dish. 

"Not this, obviously. According to Dr. Robert's, Miss Sorenson has severe issues with women. And we both know that Olympia does not like females either, understandably so. I was not expecting to wake up to... well them cooking together." 

Nodding, Sean silently agrees with Owen. They had been an official family for ten years, and they had known each other for thirteen, Olympia never got along with a woman. Which was one of the reasons she got put with Owen and Sean as a thirteen-year-old girl, she might have accidentally shot the first bird team she was on. 

It was like clockwork, slowly one-by-one the Lee Team made their way downstairs, paused in the doorway to watch the scene in front of them, and then moved to one of the chairs that Owen and Sean weren't occupying. 

The four of them, Owen, Sean, Olympia, and Sang had been awake since six AM, not sleeping very well after Olympia's nightmare during the night. Conveniently, both the girls had woken up at the exact same time and rushed to the downstairs bathroom for their morning sickness. 

Sang had managed to get away from her men without waking them up, and she headed to the downstairs bathroom so she wouldn't disturb anyone. Olympia was not a ninja, in her own words, so when she very clumsily and angrily managed to get herself untangled from Owen, Sean, and the blanket both the men had been awake and padding after her quick steps down the stairs. 

It had been a small issue with the downstairs bathroom only having one toilet, especially because when Sang started throwing up there was no way that Olympia was going to hold her down. Leading to her utilizing the bathtub for her sickness. Owen and Sean had been good sports though, Sean holding Sang's hair, and Owen holding Olympia's, while they both rubbed the girl's backs. 

Following that Olympia had declared she was hungry, and Sang was soon to follow, leading the four of them into the kitchen as the two men, now the nine men, watched Sang attempt to teach Olympia how to cook. 

It was generally known within the Blackbourne family, and most of the Academy member's high enough to know the team personally, that Olympia and Sean were not to cook. At all. Thankfully Olympia knew how to at least use the coffee pot, not that she could because Owen dumped out her coffee, but learning how to use the pot had lead to them catching fifteen coffee machines on fire and the kitchen on fire once. 

"Can you grab one of the sticks of butter and put it in the microwave to melt it?" Sang's voice was melodious, and soft, much like it had been the day before, though this time is had more of a wistful and content, a comfortable, list to it. She felt homey, though Owen and Sean still made her a little nervous, Olympia and she got along great. 

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