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"I gift you one fucking chance! One chance!" The shout was heard from outside the house, startling the group that had been about to knock on the door of the mansion. 

Following the yell, several Russian slurs were heard, and of course, a couple of dozen shouts of pain with loud bangs. 

Dakota Lee's eyebrows were at the top of his head, similarly to the rest of his team, as he quickly pressed the doorbell multiple times. 

A few more shouts echo out the house, before the sound of bare-feet pattering across the floor meet their ears, and the door is thrown open. 

Olympia Blackbourne stands in one of Owen's button-down shirts, which came to her mid-thigh, with her hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun, and a scowl covering her pale complexion. Her silver-eyes were slanted, lips puckered slightly as she fought down her anger, as she took in the group of eight people in front of her. 

"Can I help you?" Her accent wasn't super thick, but the Russian undertone was extremely obvious to the group that had spent the past three weeks working side-by-side with the Toma Team's Russian. 

Clearing his throat, Dakota reaches up and fixes his glasses, before starting, "Yes, we were, uh, told that a Dr. Sean Green lived here?" 

Olympia's head tilts, a small smile curling up on her lips at the one spouse she wasn't currently pissed at, though it was quickly diminished when she realized they knew where he lived. Her moral in life was kill first and ask questions later, but Owen had just explained the night before that killing should be the last resort, especially in her condition. 

She was tempted to ignore his lecture and kill them all, seeing as he did eat the last of the pickles tauntingly in front of her, after discarding all of her coffee. Khuyesos.

"Hm, assuming that this Dr. Sean Green breathed at this residence, what would you require him for?" She asks, a look of innocence passing over her face, though every single person on the front porch could tell it was faux innocence. 

"You mean lived, right?" Sang asks, peeking around North Taylor's shoulder to look at the brunette who stood even shorter than she did. 

"Yes, we are alive. Da?" Olympia asks, her confusion clouding her face at the question. What an odd, but cute, girl. 

"Well, yes we are. But you said that assuming Dr. Green breathed at this residence, you meant to say assuming Dr. Green lived at this residence, right?" 

"Da, it's the same. Lived, breathed, opposite of not-lived, dead." 

Before they could continue the confusing conversation, the sound of loafers hitting the floor is heard from behind Olympia. Whose face immediately sours. 

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