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The change in events, in patterns, in life, had lead to Olympia having one of her nightmares that night. 

Nestled between Sean and Owen, both of them wrapping their arms around her slowly growing baby bump, the early onset signs had first started appearing. 

First came the whimpering, slightly rolling around, though it was more like wiggling seeing as she was trapped, and the sniffling of tears. 

Generally speaking by the time the second wave of signs started, she would be far too gone in her memories, which had morphed into twisted nightmares. This wave was accompanied by loud exclamations, screaming, or even violently sobbing. 

The last of the signs included the worst of them when she physically reacted to the dream or memory. The gun rule was in place for a reason, seeing as the last time she had a nightmare she had shot Owen in the shoulder accidentally. And of course, the time before that she had left a scar on sean's hand from where she tried clawing her way out of his grasp in an attempt to hurt herself. 

While she did take nightly meds, they were still learning what some of her ticks were, what truly set her off. She had only had six nightmares in the span of ten years, but each one had been bad enough that she had ended up sedated for a few days after. 

On this particular night, there were no noticeable signs from the start of the nightmare. No whimpering, no moving, and no crying. It wasn't until she had been in it long enough to not be removed that she finally reacted. 

The blood curdling, being stabbed 100-times, brutally being murdered scream echoed around the house at approximately three in the morning. It lasted for nearly one minute flat before her voice stopped working altogether. 

Quickly thereafter, chaos assumed the household. Owen had Olympia in his arms as he rushed downstairs, towards the living room, which had the least available weapons, and gave him and Sean more room to move around if need be. Sean was darting ahead of him, grabbing medical supplies from the storage closets as he went, a couple of towels, and flipping on all the lights in the house. 

The boys managed to make it out of their rooms right as Owen and Sean disappeared around the corner. 

All of them held guns in their hands, despite sleep being evident on their features, they were fully awake. And rushing after the two older men. 

Olympia was as naked as the day she was born, seeing as she and Raven had a similar distaste for clothing, and both Sean and Owen were clad in nothing but their underwear. It was a sight to see as eight people rounded the corner of the banister, Owen laying Olympia on the couch while she's bare ass naked, a slight baby bump visible, none of the Lee team knew that she had been pregnant, and Sean frantically running around gathering things. 

Another scream sounds off, this one only lasting half as long before her voice just stopped, followed by rapid shaking and sobbing as she clawed desperately at the air. 

"What the absolute fuck is happening right now?" North bellows, his voice having a negative impact of Olympia, who begins thrashing on the couch, her nails clawing her own body. 

"For fucks sake," Owen snaps, grabbing her arms and pinning them above her head, "It's one of those."

"We need to calm her down, last time this one started she worked herself into a seizure. That wouldn't be good for her or the baby right now." 

Her legs started kicking, nearly nailing Sean in the face, as she began begging for whatever was happening to stop. Her words were broken, a mixture of Russian and English, but her tone was pure heartbreaking, and the sobs and cries that left her body were soul-crushing. Owen, along with Sang and Sean, had to blink tears out of their eyes at the pure desperation in her voice. 

"It's going to get progressively worse," Owen mumbles, his eyes flaring with anger, he hated when this happened, he hated when he couldn't help her, "Fuck. I told her this whole thing was a bad idea." 

"Please, no! Ne moi deti! Pozhaluysta, ne trogayte ikh! I'll do anything, please! O bozhe, pozhaluysta, net! Owen! Owen help me! Ne trogay yego, ublyudok! Sean! Sean! Ne ukhodi, derzhis'! YA mogu pomoch', ya mogu eto ispravit', ya mogu spasti tebya! Stop! Ne trogayte ikh! Please!" 

Sang's hand meets her cheeks, the sound of a slap echoing around the living room as the noise and cries from Olympia completely cut off. 

"Are you out of your damn mind?" Sean screeches, leveling a glare at Sang, who in reflex flinches back into North's embrace. North was glad that Sang had done it, because had she not he would have done it. To let someone suffer through their nightmares was so wrong. 

Before the arguing could start, Olympia suddenly flinched heavily under Owen's embrace, her silver eyes blinking open as she took in the scene. 

Lunging forward she wraps Owen in a hug, sobbing into his neck. It only lasted a few minutes before Sean was plucking her out of his grasp and wrapping her into a hug as well, her sobbing only picked up as she replayed him getting shot in the chest over and over in her mind, she had to choose between her children and her husbands. And she hadn't been fast enough to save either of them.  

Jerking away from Sean she looks over at Owen with a serious expression on her face, Owen had a few tears sliding down his cheeks, unintentionally, he hated that he couldn't help her more, that he was so useless at this. 

"We need to change our wall color, I'm braining maybe a yellow cake color, with a bit more white." 

"You mean your thinking?" Sang asks tilting her head, she had never heard the word braining before. 

"Da! Yes! Braining, thinking, the same thing!" 

Groaning under his breath, Owen pinches his nose, her nightmares never effected her very long, in fact, she probably wouldn't even remember it all by the morning, "Sure, we'll change the colors up, darling. But for now, let's go back to bed, yes?" 

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