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"I am on the phone, Sean. Do not touch the hole." Olympia snaps, glaring at her husband who glares right back with his own scowl. 

The Lee Team and the Blackbourne's sat or stood haphazardly around the large living room, each one with varying expressions on their face. 

While the Lee Team didn't know the most about Olympia, they had gathered she was connected to the Mafia or Mob in some way or the next, the sister of Raven, and that she was currently on the phone with the man that she had threatened the other man in the car with. It was confusing. 

Sean wasn't particularly worried about her snappy attitude, because he could give it right back to her. Alexious and Olympia didn't get along in the slightest, they were too similar. But in the end the Russian's was just as big on family as the Greeks, so they always came to each others defense. Even if it meant overthrowing their father to save their younger half-sister. 

The past thirty minutes had been Olympia ranting in Russian, North and Silas both blushing periodically at whatever she was saying, before she would pause and listen to the other voice on the phone, and then go back to ranting in Russian. 

It was almost startling how dissimilar, but similar, Sang and Olympia was in the Lee Teams perspective. Where Sang was quiet and meek, she also easily lead with authority if needed. Olympia on the other hand was load and authoritative, but became meek and quiet if the situation called for it. 

Pulling the phone away from her ear, Olympia presses the speaker button, "There, you can speak to my husbands, you whore. But I am still on the phone. So don't get any ideas." 

"You're more fucking overdramatic than our bear of a brother. Have some fucking patience you sniveling bitch." 

Olympia goes to snarl an insult back, but Nathan, who stood directly behind where she was perched on Owen's lap, again, quickly covers her mouth with a hand. Ignoring the tongue that then appears and starts licking it everywhere. 

She cuts her eyes up towards him, fire blazing in their depths, but nevertheless didn't say anything, which Alexious took as an open invitation to start talking to the men. 

"What in God's name made you inbreeds thinking to let her pull stupid shit like that?" The Russian Mafia leader snarls into the phone, making Sang flinch into North's arms and Olympia and Sean both roll their eyes. Owen quirking a brow up. 

"Where, in your thirty years of living, have you ever been given the impression that your sister can be controlled by anyone? Much less Sean and I?" 

Alexious huffed, knowing it would be a loosing battle to try and argue with the silver eyed robot, "Fine, Owen, where did your brain go when it came to letting her ride in a car with a bunch of bigger buffoons', and then letting her do whatever stupid code name plan that I know she came up with! Do you have any idea exactly what she has caused?"

"No, Mr. Yevengy, I do not know what she has caused, which is the exact thing you're going to be telling me with the next words that come out of your mouth." Owen's tone was bored, if that was a word that could be used to describe it. 

"God, why can't I talk to Sean? He is much more... entertaining." Alexious mumbles, knowing he would get a reaction out of Owen with that. 

Olympia made a protest under Nathan's hand and begin squirming around, which immediately calmed when Owen's hand rested on her thigh. It was a silent way to tell her to shut up and he'd handle it. 

"I suggest you keep my husbands name out of your mouth, Alexious. I let you and Olympia play with your arguments and dramatics, but Sean has nothing to do with whatever drama you are intending to stir up." 

"I tried to fuck him once only, that shouldn't." Alexious is cut off by Owen's venomous voice, which made Olympia blush despite her trying really hard not to. She liked it when Owen got....spicy. 

"That was once to many, Mr. Ravenstahl. Now, what exactly has Olympia caused?"

Alexious sighs, while Olympia picks up Owen's hand and starts playing with the ring band on it, which had both her and Sean's initials engraved on the inside of it. It might have been a nervous tick for her, but she would never admit to that. 

"Theo knows of her. Apparently she waved at the camera before she shot Sasha. Feed from camera was scavenged by cops, and inside man at Feds sent feed to Theo before erasing entire event from the database." 

Owen's jaw tensed, glancing over at Sean who nodded slowly, "Does he think we are still alive, or are we still dead in his eyes?" 

"He believes you are still dead. A rumor has started up that she is married to the men that was in car with her and Sasha. They believe that she married you both to run from Theo, and then killed you in the plane accident. Theo also thinks that she is the one who has been mitigating collapse of his empire, he thinks that she is the Queen of the Arabians and she tried escaping like she escape from him." 

Olympia swallows, years of terror and regrets settling in her stomach. She was not the Queen of the Arabians, though admittedly that was how it started when she was trying to get the son arrested. 

"How did he recognize her? Her hair is dyed. Furthermore, what does the Arabians have to do with anything between us and the Russians?" Owen's words hid his barely contained anger, but everyone in the room could see how he was glaring at the men that had been riding with her. Who knew Owen could be so... jealous? 

"Our mother's hair was pitch black, like it is now. Olympia is the only daughter out of us all, and as such she resembles the woman the most. Theo saw our mother, not Olympia. And then he realized that the only way he would see our mother would be through Olympia." Alexious pauses, as if contemplating his next words. 

During said pause, Olympia reaches up and stabs her thumb into Nathan's pressure point on his wrist, making the man jerk back with a quiet shout. 

Turning in Owen's lap to look at him, letting her fear show obviously in her eyes, "The Arabians are the ones that chase us. That's who shot me. The bullet had their engraving on them. I was going to tell North, but he started freak out when he saw blood. Like little baby German he is." 

"It's not just Theo then?" Owen asks, maintaining eye contact with her, his jaw clenching and unclenching. 

"Nyet. Arabian and Russian."

"Well fuck me and call me Sally, this shit just got a lot worse." Sean groans, pulling more stuff out of his medical back. 

"Da, I will fuck you and call you..." Owen hung up before Alexious could finish his sentence. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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