Chapter 6 ~ Initial Response

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{Jungkook's POV}
She didn't give me an answer for the longest time. She just stared at me, mouth open like a fish, eyes wide. I chewed on my lip, hands shaking. We must have stared at each other in silence for at least three minutes.

Oh my god. I am an idiot. She doesn't see me that way. She's going to say no. Leave now, before she answers. Save yourself from another heartbreak, Jungkook.

"I should go." I began to step back and turn. "I understand your decision and-" before I could finish my sentence, she grabbed my sleeve.

"Jungkook..." Her voice was very quiet and tear filled. I turned to look at her and she looked so broken. Seeing her break broke my heart.

"Why are you sad?" I cupped her face in my hands and she broke into a sob, pulling me close and hugging me. "What's wrong?"

"I just... I've seen what happens. An idol gets a girlfriend and his career becomes ruins. I can't do that to you. Singing is your life and I can't take that away from you!" Her face became red, eyes tear filled. Her eyebrows furrowed as sobs escaped her lips.

"Mikki..." I hugged her as comfortingly as I could manage. "We don't have to go public right away. And I won't be famous forever, anyways. I would be more than happy to drop my career for you." I hated to pressure her this way but I really wanted an answer. "Will you be my girlfriend, Mikki?"

She shoved me away from her, eyes filled with hurt. "AISH! Give me time! It's too much to process and I can't make a decision like that so quickly!"

"Mikki... I'm sorry. I just really want to know if-" I was cut off in the middle of my apology. She would never do that. I must have really upset her.

"Stop pressuring me!" She backed up a bit. "I yelled at you." She looked so horrified with herself. "Mianhaeyo..." She whispered tearfully, backing up into the room and closing the door. I stared at the door in disbelief, tears stinging at my eyes. That was a no. I was right. She's too good for me.

"What happened, Jungkook?" Taehyung asked, falling into step next to me as I headed away from her room. "Why did she yell?"

I took in a deep breath, ignoring Taehyung's questions and going straight to our room and changing back into my pajamas, tears silently rolling down my cheeks. Hopping back into bed, I continued to ignore my Hyung. "It didn't go well, okay?! I made her cry!" I snapped, curling up into a ball. "Now she'll never want to date me."

A/N: Short but the next chapter has Jin being an adorable big brother so hopefully that'll make up for it.

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