Chapter 14: Public?

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A/N: Well, I updated fast this time! I hope it makes up for the eight month hiatus. Please enjoy the edit I made for this even though her arm looks scarily thin.

Mikki's POV
I sat down for breakfast, tugging at the bottom of my black crop top. I gulped as Jungkook sat next to me. I had thought about it all night and barely slept just thinking about it. He adjusted his flannel and his black beanie. The air was thick with awkwardness and tension. "If you can look me in the eye and promise that no one is going to kill me, we can go public today." I gulped. Jungkook's eyes widened and he set his sandwich back down on his plate before he could even bite it.

"R-Really? You'd be okay with that?" He bit his lip, looking me straight in the eye. I nodded softly. "Then, yeah. Totally. I promise. No one is going to kill you." He grinned, eyes never once leaving mine.

"I guess we're going public then." I giggled, biting into my sandwich.

"Hold on. I'll be right back. I'm going to go to the restroom to call PDnim." He stood, smile wider than I had ever seen it. I giggled as he left, nibbling at my sandwich happily.

"I've never seen him that excited to call PDnim." Taehyung laughed from across the table. I blushed, shaking my head.

"No, seriously. You just made his day." Jimin laughed. "He's been wanting to be able to show you off."

"Seriously?" I blushed.

"Completely serious." Hoseok nodded. "Jungkook is more into you than you think. He's practically a fanboy over you whenever we say your name in a conversation."

"I didn't know he likes me that much." I grew increasingly flustered and self conscious. Jungkook thought I was worth showing off?

"You don't notice the way he looks at you?" Jin nudged me. "He looks at you like you're the most beautiful girl he's ever seen."

"Really?" I gawked, looking over at Jin on my right. Jungkook sat to my left.

"PDnim gave us the thumbs up to go public at any moment today. Do you want to do it now?" Jungkook's phone was open to the V app. I gulped, sucking in a sharp breath.

"Let's wait until we're hanging out inside the stadium after your rehearsal, yeah?" I shook my head at him. We can't go public right now. Are you crazy?! We still had several opportunities to get mobbed today so I was hoping to avoid that as much as possible.

"Anything." Jungkook squeezed my hand tightly under the table.

Jin nodded in approval. Most of breakfast went by calmly and without too much of an issue. However, a group of three girls in BTS sweaters came into the diner and froze in the doorway. "It's BTS." I barely heard one of them mumble in a daze. I expected them to scream or cry or come over to us but they just waved shyly. I nudged Jungkook and Jin and they looked up, waving back. All the boys eventually noticed and waved back. Namjoon waved them over so they came over nervously and asked him something in English.

Namjoon looked directly at me. "They want a picture with you. One of them wants to know what eyeliner you use."

"M-M-Me?" I stammered. "I use the Dolly Wink Liquid Liner." The name was in English so they immediately thanked me in hesitant Korean. "If they really want a picture, it's fine. I guess..." I gulped. If I declined, they might talk bad about me but I didn't want to take a picture. Namjoon said something to them and they came over to me. They crowded into the frame and took a group photo with me on each of their phones.

"Kansamnida!" They bowed to me and then at the boys before going back to the entrance to be seated. Jungkook noticed how uncomfortable I looked so he squeezed my hand under the table. One of them called something over to Namjoon who immediately looked at me.

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