Chapter 11 ~ Busy

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Mikki's POV
I spent the majority of the week alone. Well, not entirely alone. I was just never able to talk to any of them. They would get up in a rush to get ready and swallow their breakfast and get stuffed into a van. Then we would either go to a photoshoot so all the boys were always busy or to practices and interviews where I had to sit on the side and wait for them. But by the time they were done, they were exhausted and it was time to go to bed.

I never got time to talk to Seokjin or Jungkook. Ever. "Jungkook." I pouted as he rushed past me. He didn't even look at me. "Kookie..." I groaned as he rushed the other way. I rested my chin in my hands as someone whisked him away. "Seokjin." I tried to get my brother's attention as he put on a leather jacket, preparing for a photoshoot. "Oppa." I frowned. He completely ignored me and disappeared to go have his pictures taken. I lay down on the couch and sighed, counting how many times I heard them responding to other people.

"Mikki." Jungkook came over. I immediately smiled at him. "You're on top of my jacket." My smile faded and I walked away, going to the bathroom. It's just the rush. The stress. They're not ignoring you. Calm down. I washed my face and took a deep breath. They're just busy... Jungkook is just busy... I took another breath and walked back out, peeking into the room where the boys were taking pictures. There were some girls there for another shoot and a few of them were all over Jungkook.

My hands clenched into fists. He's just busy. They're the ones coming on to him. That's all that is... He laughed at something they said and winked at one of them while biting his lip. She kissed his cheek and he blushed, smiling at her. I'm going to sit down... I walked away with tears in my eyes. Who am I kidding? Date an idol? He's way out of my league. He's famous and handsome and I'm just me.

I lay down on the couch, wiping at my tears and sniffling. Seokjin walked over and sat by me. "Hey. Are you okay? They let me take a break to check on you."

"I'm not feeling well." It wasn't a lie. Jin felt my forehead before pouting and narrowing his eyes at me.

"Well you don't look sick... Or have a fever. What did Jungkook do?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Nothing." My voice cracked and I felt tears form as I thought about that girl kissing his cheek and him smiling about it. Jin gave me an expression that basically scolded me for lying to him. "Fine. He was with some girls and-"

Almost as if on cue, Jungkook walked over with lipstick on his cheeks. Several different shades from different girls. I teared up even more. "Hey. Are you okay?" He immediately looked worried. Jin looked at him with an angry expression.

"Pabo!!" I took a cushion from the couch and hit Jungkook's arm with it. He looked scared. "Pabo! You jerk! Asshole! You fu-"

"Whoa!" Jin covered my mouth and muffled my yelling. I glared at Jungkook and got up, pushing past him.

"What did I do?" He grabbed my arm. "Jag-"

"Don't you dare even-" I squinted slightly at his face and became furious. There was a hint of lipstick on his lips. "Ass."

"Wait is it all the lipstick?" He grabbed both my arms and forced me to look at his eyes. I nodded softly and held back tears, wanting to scream at him again. Jungkook chuckled and pulled me into a hug. "It was just for the pictures. Wait for the other boys to finish up."

"What about your lips?" My voice cracked. "Why do they have some pink on them?"

"They put lipstick straight on me and smudged it with a napkin." He kissed my forehead. "I promise." I sighed softly and he was whisked away again.

"All better?" Jin poked my nose playfully. "Are we happy again?" I shrugged at him and sat back down, resting my head on his shoulder. "It really is for the photoshoot. And I was there when they put the lipstick on him. Please try to calm down." He pat my cheek and hugged me. "Jungkook hasn't done anything wrong. Yet."

"I saw him smiling at them and getting all flirty." I confessed, looking down.

"He was talking about you." Jin rolled his eyes. "Stop being so insecure. He loves you too much." Jin looked at the time. "Got to go. Try to forgive him. Okay?" He left me there, alone again. I groaned and decided to just take a nap, trying to ignore how lonely I had been all week and how lonely I was now.

I woke up to a finger poking my cheek. When I woke up, Jungkook's face was centimeters away from mine. My eyes widened and I almost screamed. "Hi." He kissed my nose. "How are you?"

"I'm okay." I shrugged sleepily and tried to go back to sleep.

"Hey, you can't just go back to sleep like that! Not right now." He pouted. I smirked and turned my back to him. "Yah! Pay attention to me!"

"Why?" I turned to miss him. "I thought you were too busy for me."

"Jagi..." His smile faded into a concerned expression. "I know this has been a complicated week. I should have warned you." I nodded softly. "I'm sorry." His lips almost touched mine but I tilted my head down and he kissed my nose instead.

"It's okay, Jungkook." I kissed his cheek shyly.

"Hey, I actually made plans to spend some time with you tonight." He grinned cheekily. I furrowed my eyebrows, half asleep and trying to figure out exactly what he meant. "We have a date." He winked at me.

"What?" I blinked in shock, still trying to wake up. He handed me a piece of paper. A ticket. For the Statue of Liberty. I screamed for real this time and hugged him.

"Let's get you ready, yeah?" He led me back to the van and we went to the hotel. I threw on a cute hot-pink skater dress with black polka-dots on it that came up to mid thigh and accentuated my figure. I curled my hair and put on makeup.

Jin watched me walk out of the bathroom and his eyes widened. "Whoa. Remind Jungkook to have you back by midnight." He bit his lip. "And make sure to remember what I taught you."

"Yes, Oppa." I rolled my eyes and applied my hot pink lipstick. Taehyung tossed me some socks and my black high-top Converse. I shoved on my shoes. There was a knock at the door and Jin beat me to opening it. I heard him talking sternly to Jungkook and then my boyfriend walked in. His hair was all done up and he was wearing some black skinny jeans and a nice shirt. He handed me a red rose. I blushed a bright red and he took my hand.

"Ready for our date?" He squeezed my hand. I nodded excitedly and he grinned, pulling me along as we ran to the elevator.

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