Chapter 1 ~ Best Birthday

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{Mikki's POV}
I woke up for school and dragged myself to the bathroom, showering, wrapping myself in a towel and going to my room. I put on my school uniform and combed my hair.

Most of my clothes were missing. Was Jin on a laundry spree?

There was a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I called, pulling my hair up in a ponytail, mouth biting the ribbon that would soon be put around my hair.

"Seokjin." My brother answered. I smiled. Oppa always drove me to school when he was in town, the rest of the time, mom and dad were already at work.

"Come in." I finished the bow at the tie in my hair, ready for school except for my shoes and makeup.

"What are you wearing?" He laughed hard at me.

I stared at him blankly. "My uniform. Why?" I sat on the bed, putting on my over-the-knee socks.

"It's the first day of summer." He laughed.

"What?" I groaned, face planting back into my bed. "I'm going back to sleep."

"I thought maybe you wanted to hang out with my dongsaengs and maybe join us on tour for the summer. But if you want to sleep..."

"What?! No! I'm up! I'm up!"

"Great! I already packed your bag with your favorite outfits except one. I thought you might want to wear it today." He held out my Army shirt and my black ripped skinny jeans.

"Oppa, you're the best!" I hugged him, kissing his cheek. "Shoo, shoo. I need to change." I shooed him out, closing the door, letting down my long, straight, brown dyed hair. I put on the outfit Oppa had picked out before putting on my white Jordans. I did my makeup quickly but nicely, putting on foundation, eyeliner, and red lipstick, opening my door, rushing downstairs. I ran into the dining room.

The entire BTS stood there, staring at me with balloons and presents. I almost screamed in surprise. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIKKI!" They all yelled together. I blushed, a bit embarrassed that I had forgotten my own seventeenth birthday.

Jin was holding a birthday cake, the candles lit. "Hurry! I'm hungry!" J-Hope pouted.

I laughed. "Cake for breakfast?"

"It's your birthday." Jin shrugged. "Make a wish and blow out the candles."

I closed my eyes. I wish for Bangtan Sonyeondan to do great this summer, even with me there.

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