Chapter 2 ~ Airplane

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{Seokjin's POV}
Mikki's seat was next to mine on the airplane. There was an Army a few feet away who recognized us and seemed to be a bit confused on why my sister was with us but she didn't ask any questions. Jungkook had been ignoring her the entire time since we left the airport and Mikki wasn't taking it too well.

Jungkook got up to use the restroom at the same time as me and I pulled him to the side. "Talk to Mikki." I hissed. "She thinks you hate her." I frowned.

"I don't hate her." He frowned. "If anything, I've always had a crush on her. Since elementary school."

"What?" I blinked in surprise. "You like my sister?" I bit my lip and glanced at her, still sleeping in her seat.

Jungkook's face filled with panic. "No, no, no, no, no!" He whispered urgently. "You can't tell her!"

"I wouldn't. But if you want a chance with her, you should try talking to her." I chuckled. We took turns using the bathroom and took our seats. Namjoon was on Mikki's other side, reading a book. Mikki slumped, head on my shoulder as she slept.

"Haha! She's sleeping on the pretty shoulders." Jimin laughed when he turned to say something to me. "Why is Jungkookie so red?"

"Because he finally told me who the mystery girl he's been pining over is." I smirked, an arm around my sister.

"No way! Who is she?" Jimin looked at Jungkook.

"A girl." Junkook avoided the question before glancing at Mikki longingly. "A beautiful girl."

"Ooh. Jungkookie likes Pretty Shoulders Hyung's sister." Jimin snickered.

"Shh!" Jungkook got even more red. We laughed.

Namjoon looked up at them over his book. "Do you want my seat, Jungkook?" It took our maknae a second to realize that Namjoon's seat was right next to Mikki's. He nodded shyly. They switched and at one point, my little sister switched to sleep on Jungkook's shoulder.

The maknae got so red, an arm around her as she slept soundly during the long 18 hour flight to LA. He slowly smiled as she cuddled closer, the arm rest between them already up. His lips grazed her forehead and I bit my lip. Hurt my sister and I kill you, Jeon Jungkook.

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