Chapter 8 - Finally

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{Jungkook's POV}
I opened the door to the hotel room to hear sobs coming from the bathroom. "Mikki..."

"Go away, Jungkook!" The door was partially open so I didn't bother knocking and swung it open. She was curled up under the sink.

Oh, Mikki... I crouched in front of her. "I love you, Mikki. I'm sorry I put so much pressure on you. I was selfish. I'm sorry." She looked at me with her huge, innocent doe eyes and it made my heart ache. She was so beautiful. I just wanted her to be mine. I really did want only her. "Please forgive me."

"Jungkook..." Mikki's eyes met mine and she took in a deep breath. "Okay. I can forgive you."

"Whenever you're ready, just give me an answer. I can wait." I kissed her cheek and turned to walk out the door.

"Jungkook, wait!" I felt her hand on my arm and I froze. Tingles ran up my arm. I turned my head to look at her. "I have my answer." She was biting her lip and had I not been so nervous, I would have smashed my lips onto hers. "Yes. I will be your girlfriend." She beamed.

Relief, shock, and joy all filled me up like the gas tank of a tour bus. "Really?! Oh my god, thank you!" I hugged her. "I promise you'll be treated like a princess, Mikki. Can we go back now?" I kissed her forehead, still keeping my arms around her as she hugged back. "They're all worried. Especially Jin."

Mikki thought about it before nodding. "Okay. Let's go, Kookie." She took a step back, smiling at me. I took her hand and pulled her along with me. She let me lead her out of the room and into the elevator.

We came out into the lobby and walked back to where the rest of Bangtan was eating, holding hands the whole way. A silence fell over the table and they all stared at us. Jin half stood up and then sat down with a sigh of relief when he saw how happy Mikki looked. She kissed my cheek and took her seat. I blushed and sat in mine. We were way too far apart.

"So are you two together or not?" Taehyung gave us a questioning look. I nodded softly and he gave us his rectangle smile. "Daebak!" The boys started clapping and Hoseok let out a cheer.

"Finally!" Namjoon laughed. "I thought it was never gonna happen!"

We ate our breakfast peacefully and then left to the van. We drove to the mall and some girls ran up to us to compliment us and ask for autographs. We politely signed their shopping bags and thanked them before continuing to the stores. Mikki and I couldn't show affection in public so we kept our distance.

~~~ 3 hours later~~~

I couldn't find her anywhere. Mikki just disappeared. "Hyung..." I got Jin's attention. "Where's your sister? I checked the whole store but she isn't anywhere."

"What?" Jin's eyes grew wide and he took out his cell phone, calling her. It went straight to voicemail. We told the group what happened and the seven of us went looking for her outside of the store. It took us thirty minutes of walking around aimlessly before we found her.

We were near an exit and we heard some concerned murmurs. We looked towards the crowd of people and walked towards them. On the floor was Mikki. She had passed out. I pushed through the crowd, Jin close behind. He beat me to her and felt her forehead. "Mikki? Can you hear me?" She wasn't breathing. "Somebody call an ambulance!" Jin started tearing up and performing CPR on his little sister.

The crowd grew and Yoongi called an ambulance. Jin just kept going no matter how many people told him it was useless. The ambulance came and took her and Jin away.

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