Chapter 7 ~ Big Brother Seokjin

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{Jin's POV}
I had sat on the couch in my dongsaeng's room until I calmed down and went back to my room. It was probably three in the morning. Mikki was crying uncontrollably. Oh no. She's homesick. My poor baby sister. I should have left her back home with her friends.

"Mikki... What's wrong?" I sat on the edge of her bed. "When did you wake up? I left the room about five hours ago."

"I never slept." She sobbed, curling up into a ball. I kicked off my shoes and scooted closer to the middle of the bed and pat her back comfortingly.

"Come here. Tell me what's wrong." I let her curl up against my chest and I kissed her forehead. "Why are you crying?" She only sobbed harder. "Are you homesick?" She shook her head no. "Miss eomma and appa?" She shook her head again. "Miss your friends?" Another no. "Scared?" She shook her head. "What is it?" Her crying got even harder and louder and I held her head against my chest, holding my little sister tightly to comfort her. I hated seeing her so hurt.

"Jungkook..." She whimpered. That's when I noticed the rose in her hand. The little shit... I told him to stay away from my sister. What did he do to her? "H-He confessed and said he loves me and tried to ask me to be his girlfriend. And then he was pressuring me to answer him and I-" she shook her head, burying her face in my chest as she cried. Yoongi came in, yawning. "I can't make such a big decision so quickly! I don't really know him but he's Mr.Spreading-Legs so why would I believe that he really loves me?! How can he expect me to make that choice in a few minutes?! I've never had a boyfriend before!" He froze as he looked at us, making a surprised face before cringing. Mikki's cries were getting uglier and more heart breaking. He backed up slowly and left again.

"Agh... I'm sorry, Mikki. I'll go talk some sense into him." I growled, narrowing my eyes. Jungkook made my little sister cry and he was going to pay for it.

"No! Please! I just... Don't want to talk to him. Just give me time to think. And calm down." She sat in my lap like when she was little and I sighed, heart breaking. I just wished I could make all her pain go away.

"Jungkook is just a stupid boy. Don't think about him so much. Okay? No one should pressure you like that and if he can't respect you, he doesn't deserve you. I think you should think about what you want and what you need and then make decisions from there. I know relationships are scary but I can always give you boy advice. That's what I'm here for. To protect you and help you. I just want you to enjoy your summer so please try to be happy." My thumbs wiped away her hot tears and I leaned back against the headboard.She stayed close to me in the dim room, crying into my chest until it was eight in the morning and Suga came into the room to get ready.

We had stayed up all night. "Mikki, it's time to get dressed." I murmured, exhausted. She sniffled, walking into the bathroom and taking a shower.

After we were all ready, we went down to the hotel buffet for breakfast. Jungkook had a spot next to him and he glanced hopefully at Mikki but she sat as far from him as she could. Everyone felt awkward as we took our seats. Jungkook looked like a puppy that had been kicked. So hurt and so innocent. I only believed the first one.

"So, Jimin was moaning in his sleep last night." Hoseok spoke up, trying to lighten the mood.

"Was not!" Jimin blushed. "I was groaning! I was in a bar fight in my dream!"

"Yeah, right! You were dreaming about some girl." Hoseok laughed. The boys began to discuss and laugh and the only silent ones were Jungkook, Mikki, and I. "What do you think, Mikki?" She was spaced out, staring at her plate. "Mikki?" Hoseok repeated. Her eyes widened and she bit her lip.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention I was thinking about something." Her eyes landed on Jungkook but he was already looking at her.

"About what?" Jungkook mumbled. "Crushed dreams? Or slammed doors?" The look he gave her almost looked like he wanted to set her on fire. "Or were you thinking about how some girls don't care about how much some boys love them?" She looked back down at her plate. Jimin cleared his throat.

"Yeesh... Ah... Jin Hyung..." Taehyung looked at me for help. "Today's a special day, right?"

"I was actually just thinking about how some boys are rude and think they're entitled to the world as soon as they want it." Mikki grumbled.

"They only push because some girls don't appreciate what's right in front of them." Jungkook raised his voice.

"Only because they're afraid of getting hurt." Mikki got louder.

"Maybe if they'd stop being stupid and give someone a chance, they wouldn't be so scared anymore!" He stood up. Everyone at the table got really quiet and glanced nervously at Mikki. She just stood up, smoothed out her skirt and walked away to the elevator. She never said a word but halfway to the elevator I noticed that her shoulders were shaking. He made her cry again.

"Jungkook-ah... I'm not an expert but I'd say you messed up pretty bad just then..." Yoongi bit his lip. I groaned and got up to follow her. "Let Jungkook fix it." Yoongi shook his head. "He needs to learn how to actually romance a girl instead of just get in her pants." I sat back down, glaring at Jungkook. Everyone stared at him.

"I'll fix it..." He sighed. I held up my room card and he took it, going up in an elevator to find Mikki.

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