Chapter 18: Warming Up

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Mikki's POV
"Mikki." Jungkook cleared his throat. It was the last day of summer before I went back home and I was at a sports competition similar to ISAAC with the boys. "Don't get too excited about other idols and their abs, okay. I'm still your boyfriend."

"Yes, Oppa." I giggled, shaking my head. "Your abs are the best. I promise." My hand came to rest over his abs and our noses touched. He giggled, taking a step back and covering his stomach with his hands.

"Two months. We've been together two months and you still make me behave like a school boy." Jungkook blushed. "Just cheer for me and nobody else and I'll give you kisses every chance that I get. Fair trade?"

"Hmm... Do I get a few hugs too?" I grinned.

"Sweaty hugs?" Jungkook shuddered. "Are you sure?"

"On second thought... A quick kiss is okay. Fair trade. Now go." I laughed. "Your fans want to watch you." I kicked him out of the VIP seating section and he ran off to go join the rest of Bangtan. I watched as he carried Yoongi around and waved to his fans. I waved to Jin and then to Jimin who looked like he was struggling to get Jungkook's attention. I gave Jimin a thumbs up. "WHOO! PARK JIMIN!" I cheered. Jungkook immediately looked at Jimin and then looked at me, listening to whatever it was Jimin had been trying to say. I took pictures of the boys on my camera, giggling when they made a ridiculous pose or face.

Jungkook was about to go into a wrestling match. Fans were going crazy, cheering for his opposition. I gulped, noting the sadness on his face. "JEON JUNGKOOK!" I screamed. "YOU CAN DO IT, OPPA!" He looked at me and grinned from ear to ear, winking. I blushed as a section of mostly ARMYs looked at me from the other side of a glass division. A few of them looked guilty and then started cheering for Jungkook.

Jungkook rolled his shoulders back and stepped into the ring. As to be expected, his athletic abilities allowed him to flip the other guy and win in a matter of seconds. He helped the other guy up and they displayed that there were no hard feelings. The ARMYs began to cheer louder and so did I. "JEON JUNGKOOK!" He looked at his fans and waved before blowing me a kiss. I giggled as the fans cooed over our affection.

It was another half hour until they were between events. Jungkook took the opportunity to jog over to where I was, and climb the fence until his chest was visible above it. I made my way to him and gave him a lingering kiss. "You were amazing. I didn't know anyone could win that quickly." I giggled, fixing his hair.

"Well, I'm not just anyone." Jungkook winked and gave me a second kiss. We could hear the ARMYs screaming and cheering as they watched us kiss or took pictures or videos of us. "See? They're getting better at loving you." Jungkook pinched my cheeks and climbed back down. I watched as he jogged off before sitting back down by the glass division.

"Psst." An ARMY tapped the glass to get my attention so I looked over at her with a smile. There was quite a crowd of them just looking at me. "Is Jungkook a good kisser?"

"You really shouldn't ask such things." I blushed, looking over at where Jungkook was hugging Taehyung and messing around.

"It's a yes or no question." The ARMY giggled. "Please, unnie? We're not the fans who are out to get you. We promise."

"Yes. Jungkook is a great kisser." I tucked some hair behind my ear, smiling at them and shaking my head. They all began to fangirl and chatter amongst themselves.

One of them looked at me again, grinning from ear to ear. "Do you love him?" They all looked at me curiously.

"W-Well..." I stammered. I wasn't sure. It was still to early to tell them that information.

"MIKKI!" Jin was in the VIP section now and he hugged me, distracting me from their questions. "There's an empty seat down there with the staff. Do you want to go join them?" I quickly nodded my head and he led me to a seat with the stylist girls. "I saw them talking to you and we worried that they'd twist your words."

"Thank you." I hugged Jin and he gave me a thumbs up, walking away. Jimin came over to me and gave me a high five.

"Did you see Jungkook?! He's such a cool guy." Jimin was always so supportive of my boyfriend and I found it very sweet. "It was only five seconds and he won!" Jimin laughed. "I hope I can do that well when I compete in archery."

"You'll do just fine, Jimin. Trust me." I beamed at him. The rest of Bangtan had become like brothers to me now. "You'll be amazing."

"Thank you! Did you see me at ISAAC last time?!" He tucked his hands into his pockets. I nodded happily at him. I had watched all the ISAAC competitions that Bangtan was in. "I was so nervous."

"You're going to do well." I laughed. "Don't worry about it."

"Yah! Mikki! Tell your boyfriend to stop pinching me!" Taehyung jogged up to me with Jungkook in tow. The two were cracking up.

"Jungkook, stop pinching your hyung. That's mean." I giggled, hugging Jungkook around the waist as I stood up. "He's sensitive."

"Wha-?! I am not!" Taehyung blushed, pouting at me. "I just... I... He pinches hard!!!"

"Does not." I laughed.

"Jungkook pinch her. The same way you pinch me." Taehyung crossed his arms.

"No way! I'll hurt her." Jungkook smushed my face into his chest. I began to cough, suffocating without air.

"Jungkook." Taehyung laughed.

"She's more sensitive than you are. If I even poke her too hard, she gets bruises." Jungkook held me tighter and I tried to escape his grip.

"Jungkook! She can't breathe!" Taehyung tried to pry Jungkook's arm away. Jungkook immediately let go of me and I gasped for air, whacking him in the stomach. "Are you okay?" Tae cracked up.

"Can we see the pictures you took?" Jimin reached for my camera. I swatted his hand away but showed them the pictures anyway. "Ooh. That one is nice!" Jimin liked one where he was sitting on Jungkook's back.

"I like this one." Jungkook exclaimed on one where all the boys decided to whip with the boys from Got7.

"Of course you do." I laughed, shaking my head. "You guys really are a bunch of goofballs."


"Bye Mikki." Jungkook kissed my forehead.

"Bye!" Jimin kissed my cheek as Taehyung waved and walked away.

"PARK JIMIN!" Jungkook started chasing Jimin towards the door that led to the archery compound. I shook my head and watched them leave, taking my seat again and going on Twitter.

"Mikki really seems to care about Jungkook."
"I think Jungkook and Mikki should get married."
"Mikki is way prettier up close."
"She looks beautiful in person."
"Jungkook is lucky to have such a sweet girl."
"They make a good match."

"Mikkook forever"

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