Chapter 3 ~ Awake

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{Mikki's POV}
I woke up with my head on Jungkook's chest, his arms around me. My eyes widened. He and Namjoon switched and Jin let me sleep on him?! I tried to straighten up but Jungkook was asleep, holding me tightly and protectively. I blushed, unable to move. He was nuzzling my forehead. "Jungkook." I whispered. "Psst. Jungkook..." I blushed.

The airplane was dark, a lot of people were asleep. Bangtan was all asleep except for Jimin who was watching some random drama.

"Jungkook." I squirmed, getting airsick as I looked out the window at how high up we were. He woke up, noticing what was wrong, grabbing my wrist and rushing to the bathroom. We crammed in the tiny bathroom and he held back my hair as I threw up. I groaned softly as he gently pulled me to my feet. I dug in the purse still hanging off my shoulder, taking out a small toothpaste and a travel toothbrush. I washed my face and hands and brushed my teeth, touching up my makeup. The entire time I spent facing away from him, he rubbed my stomach gently, trying to soothe me.

I reached for the door but he stopped my hand, grabbing my wrist. "Mikki..." He whispered. The plane banked right and we stumbled a bit. I fell back, my butt hitting the counter, hands flying up to keep Jungkook from crushing me as one of his hands held my waist, the other holding the counter. His legs tangled with mine. Both our faces became bright red. "I should tell you that-" the door of the bathroom opened. Jin stared at us with wide eyes. He grabbed Jungkook by the ear and pulled him out. "Ow ow ow ow!"

"Jungkook, what the hell are you doing to my sister?" Jin grabbed a fistful of Jungkook's shirt.

"Oppa, we weren't-!" I tried to defend Jungkook when Jin let him go suddenly. I hugged Jungkook.

"I don't want to know. Don't tell me anything. I just need to use the bathroom." Jin shook his head. "Jungkook, just stay out of her pants, okay?"

"Yeah. Arrasseo." Jungkook sighed in relief and looked down at me as Jin entered the bathroom. Jungkook took a step back and started for our seats.

"Um, what were you-"

"I'll tell you later."

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