Chapter 4 ~ Arrival

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{Seokjin's POV}
I continued to stare at Jungkook for the rest of the flight. He was holding Mikki's hand and cuddling with her. I felt sick. Had they done anything? Was that little maknae planning anything? What did he want from my baby sister?

After the remaining few hours of talking and sleeping and flying in a plane, we finally landed in LA. Mikki got really excited at being out of Korea for the first time ever. "America!" She giggled. Jungkook awed over her and poked her cheeks as she laughed, channeling all of her aegyo without noticing. We got off the plane and I gave Mikki a hat and a face mask to keep herself from being swamped by all the cameras. We walked into the parking lot to get into our van. Cameras flashed and Mikki froze, eyes wide. I sighed, pulling her along by the hand.

"Mikki, that's going to happen a lot." I squeezed her hand. She buried her face in my shoulder as we walked. "You're going to get used to it."

"Why can't they leave you guys alone?" She sniffled, sounding so terrified. I quickly got her into the van and held my sister close.

"Shhh. It's okay. They just... Want to provide to the armies and-" my phone was buzzing like crazy. I checked my phone. Fans were blowing up our Twitter, asking about the girl sitting next to Jungkook and I on the plane. I made a post regarding it, explaining about my sister touring with us.

Jungkook sat next to her again and held her hand. I narrowed my eyes. Get off my sister, Jeon Jungkook. Stop touching her. No. Stop it. I glared at him as Mikki curled up into my chest, shaking. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened on the plane. Had he ruined my sister?

I held my sister close, trying to calm her. "Mikki, it's okay." I sighed. I had forgotten to warn her. Jungkook grabbed her chin, tilting her head to have her look at him. She immediately froze.

"Mikki, listen to me. I promise, you're fine." He murmured. "They won't say anything bad about you." The van drove off once everyone was inside. Jimin and Namjoon watched the two with knowing smiles as Jungkook pulled her into his lap. He sang softly into her ear as he rubbed her back.

We all knew he hadn't said anything to her yet but it was obvious to anyone that he liked her. Everyone except Hoseok and Mikki were picking up on it.

Hoseok was cluelessly texting me, asking why my sister was in Jungkook's lap. I bit my lip and shut off my phone, not wanting to answer. Jungkook could tell them himself. I frowned. "Jungkook, do-"

"Shh." He smiled. Mikki was asleep with her head on his chest. My eyes widened. How did he manage to get her to sleep so quickly?! "She's such a cutie." He kissed her forehead as she slept. I froze, biting my tongue. Hoseok looked so confused.

It was a long, tense, quiet ride to the hotel. She was in the same room as Yoongi and I. We were the only two I really trusted in the same room as her. Maybe Taehyung. "That's not fair! Why does Suga Hyung get to room with the pretty girl?" Jimin complained.

"Because he's the only one who won't flirt with her. He's too old for her." I smiled. Mikki was holding hands with Jungkook and I began to question if the maknae had already confessed.

"Oh." Jimin pouted. Yoongi laughed a bit and smiled at my sister. She shrugged, hugging Jungkook, burying her face in his chest sleepily. He looked down at her, mouth opening to say something but he was too red to speak. "Jungkookie!" Jimin laughed. "Oooooh!" Jungkook got even redder. Mikki was too tired to care about the commotion as J-Hope finally got it and joined in.

"Jungkook!" Hoseok cooed, pinching our maknae's cheeks. "So cute!"

"You two are getting along so well." Taehyung winked.

Jungkook grabbed Mikki's wrist and ran into an elevator, closing the door before any of us could stop them.

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