Chapter 5 ~ Confession

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{Jungkook's POV}
I stared at her, biting my lip as the elevator closed. Her eyes were wide with surprise. I pressed all the buttons to buy us more time. As I looked down at her, I realized how stupid I was being. What am I going to say to her?

I like you, Mikki. No, I love you. I need you to be mine. Ugh! That would make me look stupid if she doesn't feel the same. I let out an audible cry of frustration.

She jumped slightly and looked down. "Mikki, I-" I bit my lip. "Every time-" I stopped myself again, finally gathering up enough courage to say everything I had been dying to say for a really long time now. "I don't know what to say." Idiot.

"Uhm. Okay." She took a half step back.

"No! That's not-! I'm speechless because-" the elevator door opened and Bangtan was waiting for us, pulling us out.

"Come on, you two." Namjoon laughed. I growled in frustration, wanting to yell that I wanted to be with her. I grumbled under my breath as Jin led the brown haired beauty away. I was led away by Taehyung to our room right next to theirs, only separated by a wall.

After changing into pajamas and getting ready to sleep, we collapsed into our beds, overwhelmed by jet lag. I turned into my back and stared at the ceiling for the longest time. I want to tell her, dammit! I want to confess and ask her out and call her mine and hold her at night!

I high kicked the blanket in frustration. "Agh!" I grunted.

Taehyung threw a pillow at me. "Shut up, Jungkookie! I want to sleep. I'm tired."

"And I'm frustrated." I answered coldly.

"Why?" Taehyung snorted, obviously annoyed by the fact that I was being so loud.

"Mikki! I want to tell her how I feel but I don't know how! Or when! And I just want to hold her at night, kiss her forehead to wake her up and-" I blushed. "I want to kiss her on the lips."

"Jungkook, we all know you want more than to cuddle. You never just cuddle with these girls you supposedly fall in love with. You have sex and then forget about them a week later. For your own safety, stay away from Mikki." Taehyung snorted. "Jin will kill you, Jeon Jungkook, if you play his sister like that."

"I wouldn't do that to Mikki! She's way too important to me for that." I shook my head.

"If you say so, Kookie." Taehyung laughed a bit. We spent at least another hour talking about it. "Well, if you think you won't hurt her you should talk to her. But I still think you aren't ready to be faithful to one girl."

I frowned and disappeared to the bathroom. My phone rang and I answered as I washed my face.

"Jungkook?" It was Hoseok.

"It's me." I answered, staring at the phone. "What's going on?"

"Pink Princess, here, is freaking out. He and Yoongi just showed up in our room and Seokjin thinks you want to defile his sister." The annoyance was evident in his voice. I could hear the commotion in the background.

My eyes widened. "That's not true! All I want is to call her mine and hold her at night and kiss her lips and-"

"Okay, okay. Calm down, Romeo. What's got you all excited? Why is she so special? You never get so excited over a girl." Jimin laughed through the phone.

"She just is. I just... I love her just because she is herself. Everything about her is perfect." I answered, watching my own face get red in the mirror. "Head to toe, inside and out."

"Wow." Was all Namjoon said.

"Cute." Yoongi laughed.

"Take care of her." Jin muttered. "She deserves the best care and if you dare hurt her... Just... Take care of her."

"I will, Hyung." I answered. "I promise."

They hung up and I went back to bed, groaning into my pillow. "Go tell her now." Taehyung suggested. I stared at him with a blank expression. What? "Go confess to Mikki now." He repeated. "I'll back you up, distract the hyungs."

"Okay..." I gulped.

"Come on." Taehyung got up and went through my suitcase, shoving a suit at me. "Put it on." I followed his instructions, getting all fixed up, even doing my hair nicely, wearing my nicest suit. He put on jeans and a nice shirt and we went to the gift shop downstairs, buying a red rose and coming back upstairs. I knocked on the door, biting my lip.

Mikki opened the door, in shorts and a sweater, hair loose around her face. "J-Jungkook! Why are you so fancy?! I-I-" She looked down at herself, embarrassed.

"I just need to talk to you about something." I looked down, holding the rose behind my back, glancing sideways at Taehyung who was a few feet away, out of her line of site.

"Okay. Um, what is it?" She asked, crossing her arms, closing up. I immediately picked up on her nervousness and self consciousness. She was almost in tears from the nerves.

"You look beautiful, by the way." I blushed, giving her a quick once over. Her cheeks turned red but she became more open and vulnerable, calming down slightly. "Well, I came to tell you that... I love you." Her eyes widened and I held out the rose. She took it gently, raising it to her nose. "When I look at you, my heart stops, it gets hard to breathe, and I feel speechless. It's been this way for a really long time. Since elementary, actually. Look, Mikki, I fell in love with how unique you are and how much fun you are and how smart you are. I fell in love with the way you see the universe and the way you talk about the things you're passionate about. I just hope one day, you'll talk about me like that. Well, Mikki... I love you and I want to be with you. Will you be mine?"

"J-Jungkook..." Her face became a bright red. "I-I... I don't know... I mean... Are you allowed to date?" She looked so concerned.

"Not publicly but no one needs to know yet. When we're approved, we could go public." I bit my lip.

"What about all the girls that flirt with you?" She took a step back and I shrugged.

"It wouldn't change how I feel about you. It hasn't so far. Why would it now? Mikki, I really do love you and I want to be with you. You don't have to be nervous because I can take it slow for you and respect any boundaries you have." I took a step forward and held her hand in mine, kissing it softly and staring into her big, brown eyes. "Will you be mine?"

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