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Nᴀʀʀᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ,ʀᴇᴀʟ ʟɪғᴇ
Jᴀɴᴜᴀʀʏ 1 2021

Jack waited a minute for her answer. when he didn't get an answer right away,he thought it was over.

Bailey-"yes" Bailey whispered.

when Bailey said yes,Jack had the happiest face he has ever had.

Jack-"wait,for real?"

Bailey-"for real"

they were both smiling so big and they leaned in and kissed again.there was a scream coming from the other side which made Jack and Bailey pull away and look over at the other side of the room.

when they looked over,they saw everyone looking at them with wide smiles and they then found out it was Tana that screamed.

Tana-"oh my god!yess!"

Bailey chuckled and ran over to Tana and they both embraced each other.

Tana-"you guys are already the hottest fucking couple ever"

Bailey-"shut up tan" Bailey chuckled again.

Tana-"what?! I'm serious"

Jack-"i mean,she's not wrong...babe"

when Jack said that,her heart melted. she was so happy that they could call each other theirs.

Bailey-"oh i know...babe"

everyone screamed and cheered again and Bailey couldn't be more happier right now.

the one thing that was worrying her though was Bryce. i mean of course,he is dating Addison but Jack and Bryce used to be really close.how was he going to react?would he be happy for her?

i mean of course,Bailey wasn't ecstatic when she found out that Bryce and Addison had made it official but it was only because she found out when the rest of the
world knew.


It was currently 2am and Bailey and Jack were lying in bed just in the peace and quiet.

Bailey was drifting off to sleep when Jack started talking.

Jack-"i'm honestly so happy that i get to call you mine now"

Bailey-"yeah i know,me too babe" Bailey said sleepily.

she then fell asleep,happy but for some reason with Bryce on her mind.

Jack just stared at the beautiful girl next to him in awe and couldn't believe he got the girl who he has been best friends for five years.

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