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Nᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 18

Bailey was sat in her moms kitchen,Jennifer cooking lunch for the both of them.

Bailey was unusually quiet and Jennifer knew what it was about.late last night,Ben had called Jennifer telling her how bailey has been quiet for the past couple of days and everyone has noticed.

Jennifer was worried and she wasn't the only one.tana was worried,the hype house was worried and the sway boys were worried.Ben and her two assistants were sure as hell worried.

They lived with her and she hasn't been herself.but bailey has been working a lot more lately so she can take her mind off of everything and they are noticing it.

Jennifer-"here you go bails"

Jennifer gave her a bowl of Mac and cheese.bailey faintly smiled and mumbled a thank you.

Jennifer-"so,how are you?"

Bailey-"I'm okay.how are you?"

Jennifer-"I'm good"

Bailey-"what's up?you seem quiet"

Jennifer-"bails I think I should be asking that"

Bailey chuckled,confused.


Jennifer-"cause,quite a few people have mentioned that you haven't been yourself"

Bailey rolled her eyes playfully.she obviously didn't want to break down in front of her mom.Jennifer is her bestfriend but Jennifer is one of those many people that bailey likes to help instead of the other way round.

Bailey-"it's nothing mom.just work stress"

Jennifer-"well,Ben did say that you have been doing extra work when you don't need to"

Bailey sighed and rolled her eyes.

Bailey-"I knew it was james"

Jennifer-"okay it doesn't matter but what does is that you are taking care of yourself and not putting yourself in that state again"

Bailey-"I am mom.I'm fine"

Jennifer sighed knowing that what she was going to ask next was going to possibly upset her daughter.

Jennifer-"bails,I don't want to make you upset but I gotta ask,are you ill again and have you stopped taking your medication?"

Bailey was taken aback with what her mom had just asked her.she was grateful for everyone thinking of her and was so damn lucky to have people who cared about her but she didn't want that question to ever be asked.

Bailey scoffed.she hated getting into arguments with her mom which is why they were rare.

Bailey-"mom how could you say that?of course I'm not ill again and of course I'm taking my medication"

Bailey was lying though.she hasn't been taking her medication because she thought that it was pointless.she was better or so she thought.

Jennifer-"and how do I know you aren't lying?that medication helps you get better"

Bailey-"I am better mom!it's been over a year since I've healed"

Jennifer-"you haven't healed bails,you have recovered and your over it  but you haven't healed"

Bailey-"mom I can't get over that,I don't think I ever will.I spent months on end in and out of hospitals and rehabs because I got cheated on and till this day I still feel stupid for being like that I mean I only cheated on!"

Jennifer-"bails,you have to understand how hard it was for me to walk in to the hospital or the rehab facility and see you in bed helpless.you were cheated on and you were mentally abused,I know you can't get over that but you are recovered"

Bailey hated talking about it.she hated looking back to last year,thinking about the awful time she went through when her friends were out having fun.the other reason she doesn't like talking about it is that she is now friends with Taite.

Bailey sighed.again.

Bailey-"mom.can we just drop this?I don't like talking about it"

Jennifer-"yeah of course.I'm sorry for bringing it up.I'm just worried that you are relapsing"

Bailey-"I'm not mom okay?im fine"

Jennifer-"okay and I believe you.all I'm saying is that please take it easy"

Bailey smiled and nodded.she softly said okay.

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