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Jᴀɴᴜᴀʀʏ 2

Bailey woke up around 8:30am and felt an arm around her waist,now remembering the events from the night before.she smiled and turned around seeing who she can now call her boyfriend.

as happily as Bailey was,she can't seem to get the thought of Bryce out of her head.of course it wasn't anything to do with missing him or something like that but she wondered if he would be happy for her as she was for Bryce and Addison.

Jack started to stir awake and he looked up at the girl,he asked to be his last night and smiled.

Jack-"hey baby"

Bailey smiled at the fact her called her baby.she hasn't heard anyone call her baby,except from Ryland since Bryce.Levi didn't really call her it.

Bailey-"ugh.you have know idea how happy i am to hear you say that"

Jack-"and you have no idea how happy i am,saying it"

they both smiled and kissed each other. Jack tried to deepen it but Bailey pulled away and chuckled.

Bailey-"as much as i would love to sit and just kiss you,i think it's time to tell some people,just so they don't get sus.but just people close to us"

Jack-"about that.i don't think we should go public,just yet"

Bailey-"yeah i know.i was thinking the same thing,honestly"


they kissed again and Bailey then got up out of bed and got dressed.


an hour later,Bailey and Tana are lying on the beach behind the house and just talking about the new couple.

Tana-"so did u do any shit last night?"

Bailey-"no" she laughed.

Tana-"yeah true.i would have heard you"

Bailey-"Tana,shut the fuck up" she laughed again.

Bailey then sighed,she knows that she shouldn't be thinking about him but she valued Bryce's opinion.of course if he didn't like the fact that Bailey and Jack were now dating,she wouldn't break up with him but she just needed to talk to Bryce about it.

of course Tana could read Baileys mind,just like Bailey can with hers.

Tana-"you can't keep thinking about him you know"


Tana rolled her eyes.

Tana-"don't play dumb Bails,i know you are think ing of Bryce.

Bailey sighed again.

Bailey-"okay i am but not in the way you are thinking"

Tana-"then what way?" Tana laughed.

Bailey-"i just hope he's happy for me,once i tell him"

Tana-"your telling people?"

Bailey-"well people we are close to but we aren't going public yet"

Tana-"good.you need to make sure that you guys are all for each other.and Bryce will be happy for you"

Bailey-"yeah,let's hope so" Bailey sighed again
"okay,well i'm gonna go call him,and probably tell my mom too"

Tana-"okay,i'll be here babe"

Bailey went inside the house and up to her shared room with Jack. she got dressed into some comfortable clothes and sat on her bed,contemplating wether she should just say to him right now or ask to meet when she get back to LA.

she pressed his name,now deciding that it's just best to meet and then she will call her mom and just tell her.

Bryce answered the phone after a couple of seconds.

Bryce-"hey bails,what's up?"

Bailey-"hi.um i'm coming back from Miami,late tonight.would it be okay if we meet tomorrow?"

Bryce-"uh yeah,i could probably do lunch but what's it about?"

Bailey-"can't a girl have lunch with one of her bestfriends?" she joked.

Bryce laughed

Bryce-"yeah,yeah we can definitely meet"

Bailey-"okay,i will meet you at the grove"

Bryce-"okay,no problem"

bailey then hung up and decided to call her mom and tell her right now.

Jennifer-"hey bails,hows Miami?"

Bailey-"it's good mom,anyway i wanted to call and tell you something"

Jennifer-"yeah?are you okay?"

Bailey-"yeah,it's just um-there might be a tiny tiny chance that as of yesterday,well last night that i now have a boyfriend"

Bailey could her Jennifer's gasp from the other side of the phone.

Jennifer-"what!?oh my god who?!!" Jennifer screamed.

Bailey-"um jack-jack gilinsky"

Jennifer-"oh my god.ugh i'm so happy for you but just be careful okay"

Bailey-"yes of course mom.anyway i gotta go but i will talk to you later,love you"

Jennifer-"love you too hunnie"

when they hung up,Bailey couldn't keep the smile off her face.she was happy that her mom was happy for her but now she is just waiting for Bryce's reaction tomorrow.

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